

单词 short
释义 short
I. \ˈshȯ(ə)r]t, -ȯ(ə)], usu ]d.+V\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English short, shert, from Old English scort, sceort; akin to Old High German scurz short, Old Norse skort, skortr lack, skorta to be lacking, skera to cut — more at shear
 a. : having little length : not extending far from end to end
  < the big guns pointed short, ugly snouts seaward — Bill Davidson >
  < short pouting lips — William Empson >
 b. : having little height : not tall : low
  < a short man >
  < of short stature >
  < a short smokestack >
 a. : not extended in time : of brief duration : lasting a little while only
  < a diversion which brought him short periods of physical peace — Louis Bromfield >
  < a short life >
  < a short season >
 b. : not retentive for more than a brief period
  < a short memory >
 c. : expeditious, quick
  < wished to make short work of the business — H.E.Scudder >
 d. : seeming to pass quickly
  < in the space of a few short years made terrifying headway — R.K.Carr >
 e. : allowing or requiring little time for preparation or action
  < short notice >
 a. of a speech sound : having a relatively short duration
  < the vowel of dock is shorter than the vowel of dark when the r is not pronounced >
 b. : indicating the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or partly vowel sounds that is descended from a durationally short vowel but that now is not durationally short or does not have duration as its chief distinguishing feature
  < short a in fat >
  < short e in equity >
  < short i in sin >
  < short o in odd >
  < short u in fuss >
  (1) of a syllable in Greek or Latin verse : of relatively brief duration
  (2) of a syllable in English verse : unstressed
 a. : limited in vision or range
  < the windows on to the outer world were few, and the view from them was short and uninviting — R.W.Southern >
 b. : limited in distance : not covering much ground or space
  < a short walk >
  < a short trip >
  < a short flight >
 c. archaic : traveling only a few miles — used of a train or train passenger
 a. : not coming up to a measure, standard, or requirement
  < eliminate adulteration, short weights and measures — V.S.Alanne >
  : not sufficient in quantity : inadequate, insufficient, scanty
  < stockpile critical materials in short supply — J.M.Minifie >
  < on short rations then, trying to live on a dollar a day — R.B.Gehman >
 b. : not extending, reaching, or traveling far enough
  < the coat is short on him >
  < the page is two lines short >
  < his throw was short >
 c. : having an insufficient supply : lacking a needed article or amount — usually used with of or in
  < short of cash at the end of the month >
  < five dollars short in his accounts >
  < somebody might marry her and leave him short a cook — H.G.Evarts >
 d. : enduring privation : doing without
  < local settler families … who may be temporarily short as a result of a poor harvest or bad planning — J.B.Watson >
 e. : inherently or basically weak in — used with on
  < long on ambition but short on brains >
  < long on ideas but short on knowledge >
 a. : abrupt, curt, unceremonious
  < the service is rendered in a blunt, impersonal, irritated, or short manner — Lou Smyth >
  < was less short with her at such moments than usual — David Walden >
 b. : quick to respond to provocation : easily aroused
  < tempers are short in the morning — W.S.Gilbert >
 a. : recurring quickly in succession — used of recurrent bodily phenomena (as breaths or pulse beats)
 b. : having waves that break in quick succession : choppy
  < their swift currents and steep, short seas — American Guide Series: Massachusetts >
 a. archaic : not distant in time : near at hand
 b. : payable at an early date
 a. : easily broken : crumbling readily (as from shortening content) : crisp, friable
  < short pastry >
  (1) of metal : brittle under certain conditions — compare cold-short, hot-short, red-short
  (2) : lacking tensile strength (as through desiccation)
   < short lumber stock >
  (3) : difficult to spread because of excess sanding
   < short mortar >
  (4) : defective in tenacity or plasticity
   < short clay >
 c. : not flowing readily : sticky
  < short ink >
 a. : not lengthy or drawn out in content or style : concise, succinct
  < could express my faith in shorter terms — John Adams >
  < make a long story short >
 b. : abbreviated
  < doc is short for doctor >
 c. : of or relating to a musical score having the notes and indications of essential parts of a full score condensed onto a few staffs
11. : consisting of or containing chopped or cut straw
 a. : consisting of undiluted liquor : straight
  < a drop of something short >
 b. of a beverage : served in a relatively small glass usually of five ounces or less : constituting a small measure
  < a short beer >
  < a short rum punch >
 a. : not having goods or property that one has sold in anticipation of a fall in prices — usually used with of or in
  < short of wheat >
  < short in cotton >
 b. : consisting of, relating to or involving a sale of securities, commodities, or foreign exchange that the seller does not possess or has not contracted for at the time of the sale
  < a short sale >
  < short contracts >
14. : having or containing fewer than the average number of cards in a particular suit; specifically : having or containing fewer than three cards in a particular suit in bridge
 a. : pitched at a spot too near the bowling end to be considered of good length — used of a bowled ball in cricket
 b. : placed relatively close to the batsman's wicket — used of a fielder or fielding position
  < short slip >
  < short mid on >
Synonyms: see brief

- in short order
II. adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from short, adjective
1. : in a curt manner
 < always going about in his apron and talking short with everyone — W.D.Steele >
2. : for or during a brief time — used in combination
 < short-lasting >
 < short-living >
3. : tightly
 < caught him up short by his coat lapels — Barnaby Conrad >
4. : at a disadvantage : aback, unawares
 < caught short >
 < taken short >
5. : so as to interrupt
 < took him up short before he could continue >
6. : abruptly, suddenly
 < would halt short, order everybody to be still, and insist that she had heard something — H.L.Davis >
7. : at some point or distance before a goal or limit aimed at or approached
 < his throw fell five yards short >
 < the shells dropped short >
8. : clean across
 < the axle was snapped short >
9. : by or as if by a short sale — compare sell short
III. noun
Etymology: short (I)
1. : the sum and substance : upshot — usually used with the
 < the short of it is, in my judgment — A.E.Stevenson †1965 >
 a. : a short musical note
 b. : a short syllable
 c. : a short sound or signal (as in Morse code)
  < the buzzer sounded in the hall: three longs and a short — Harold Brodkey >
3. shorts plural
 a. : a by-product of wheat milling that includes the germ, fine bran, and a small amount of flour
 b. : refuse, clippings, or trimmings, discarded in various manufacturing processes
4. : straight liquor
5. shorts plural
 a. : smallclothes 1
 b. : knee-length or less than knee-length trousers made in various styles for informal wear or sportswear
 c. : short drawers
 a. : one who purchases or operates on the short side of the market — compare bear I 3b
 b. shorts plural : short-term bonds
7. shorts plural : items that are lacking to make up a quantity or total : deficiencies; specifically : the copies of different printed sheets needed to complete an imperfect edition
8. : something of less than a full or required length: as
 a. shorts plural : lumber of less than standard length
 b. : a fish or lobster of less than the length required for legal catching
 c. : a clothing size for short men
 d. : one of the smaller standard firearm cartridges
 e. : a short often documentary or educational film shown with a full-length feature or as part of a program of short films
 f. : a brief news story or feature item in a newspaper or periodical
9. : something that falls short; specifically : a shot that strikes or bursts short of the target
10. : short circuit
 a. : shortstop
  < plays a fine short >
 b. : short field
  < hit the ball to deep short >

- for short
- in short
- the short and long
IV. transitive verb
Etymology: short (I)
1. : to supply with less than is customary, needed, or expected
 < shorted him on his favorite hog jowl and turnip greens — Time >
2. : shortchange, cheat
 < slugged a … weighman who was shorting him at the scales — Irish Digest >
3. : short-circuit
V. adjective
: near the end of one's tour of duty
VI. transitive verb
: to sell (as stocks) short




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