

单词 shower
释义 show·er
I. \ˈshau̇(ə)r, -au̇ə, esp in the southern US -au̇wə(r\ noun
Etymology: Middle English shur, shour, showre, from Old English scūr; akin to Old High German scūr shower, storm, Old Norse skūr shower, Gothic skūra (windis) windstorm, Latin caurus, corus northwest wind, Lithuanian šiaurỹs northwind, Old Slavic sěverŭ north, Armenian c̣urt cold, shower; basic meaning: north, northwind
 a. : a fall of rain that is of short duration or rapidly varying intensity over a limited area with drops usually about 1/25inch in diameter and a velocity of from 10 to 25 feet per second : compare drizzle
 b. : a like fall of sleet, hail, or snow
 c. : a shower of meteors
 d. : cosmic-ray shower
2. : something likened to a rain shower: as
 a. : a spray of water (as from a hose or waterfall)
 b. : a rain of sparks
 c. : a dense fall of bullets or other missiles
  < the whole target area was left ablaze and cratered with huge bomb holes from a shower of incendiary and high-explosive missiles — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union >
 d. : a firework for producing a brilliant shower (as of slow-burning stars)
3. : something that comes in large and concentrated numbers or quantity
 < walked down from the aircraft in a shower of applause — New York Times >
 < brought down on his head a shower of reproaches — A.P.Ryan >
 < organized a postcard shower to cheer him up after the accident >
4. : a party given by friends or well-wishers who bring gifts often of a particular kind
 < the bride was given linen and kitchen showers >
 < got up a stork shower for her when her baby was expected >
5. : shower bath
 < felt fresh from his shave and shower — Hamilton Basso >
 a. : one of the individual flowers or small bouquets that hang by ribbons from a shower bouquet
 b. : a ribbon used in a shower bouquet
II. verb
intransitive verb
1. : to rain or fall in or as if in a shower
 < it had showered off and on all day >
 < letters showered on him in praise and in protest >
2. : to bathe in a shower bath
 < showered and changed to clean clothes — James Jones >
transitive verb
 a. : to pour down on in or as if in showers (as of rain, spray, or drops)
 b. : to wet with rain showers, water spray, or other liquid
 c. : to spray or bedew : pour on like a shower
  < the wind veered and showered a fishing boat with radioactive ash >
  < factory chimneys shower the district with soot >
  < gusts were showering dust and bits of paper and other small debris on our yard >
2. : to bestow liberally : give in abundance : rain
 < showered invitations on him >
also : to cover as if with a shower of rain
 < showered him with honors >
III. \ˈshō(ə)r, -ōə\ noun
Etymology: Middle English shewer, shoer, from shewen, showen to show + -er — more at show
: one that shows : exhibitor




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