

单词 shut
释义 shut
I. \ˈshə]t, dial ˈshe]; usu ]d.+V\ verb
(shut ; shut ; shutting ; shuts)
Etymology: Middle English shutten, shetten, shitten, from Old English scyttan; akin to Middle Dutch schutten to shut in, hinder, Old English scēotan to shoot — more at shoot
transitive verb
1. obsolete : to move (as a bolt) so as to fasten something (as a door, window)
 a. : to move (as a door, window, gate) into position to close an opening
  < shut the lid >
  < leads us to shut the gates of mercy — M.R.Cohen >
  < shut his door against his enemies >
  — often used with up
  < shut up his windows and closed the shop >
  or down
  < shut all the windows down >
  < shuts the top down and locks it >
 b. : to prevent passage to or from by closing doors or openings : close
  < shut the cottage for the winter >
  — often used with up
  < shut up the house and set off for Europe >
 c. : to close (as an opening, a passage) by an obstacle or barrier
  < the enemy shut every pass through the mountains >
  — often used with up or in
  < another upland valley shut in by the easy slope of wooded hills — American Guide Series: Vermont >
 d. : to close (as the mind) to ideas and other influences from without
  < prejudice shuts the mind tighter than illiteracy — Bice Clemow >
  — often used with up
3. : to confine by or as if by enclosure or by closing a means of escape
 < shut him in the closet >
 < was shut in prison >
— usually used with up
 < shut up with him in the … chill smoky carriage — Anne D. Sedgwick >
 < food and muskets and gunpowder to stand by their own army shut up in Boston — Dorothy C. Fisher >
 < shut up in an acquired intellectual pride — V.S.Pritchett >
4. : to fasten with a lock or bolt
 < buys a lock to shut his chest >
5. : to close by bringing enclosing or covering parts together
 < shut the eyes >
 < shut the mouth >
 < shut the fist >
 < shut a book >
 < shut a locket >
— often used with up
 < shut up the piano >
6. : to cause to cease or suspend operation or business — often used with down
 < obliged the administration to shut down the university for the remainder of the spring term — R.G.Woolbert >
7. : weld
intransitive verb
1. : to close itself or become closed
 < door shut with a slam >
 < flowers shut at night >
 < the seams worked … opening and shutting as the ship strained on the waves — C.S.Forester >
— often used with down
 < the lid shuts down to keep the dust out >
2. : to become visually continuous without a perceptible break
 < earth and the sky and the sky and the sea, seem shutting together as a book that is read — Joaquin Miller >
3. : to close in
 < and soon evening will shut — A.E.Housman >
— often used with in
 < observing the sunshine beginning to shut in — Samuel Richardson >
4. : to cease or suspend an operation or business : close
 < cafés and bars which never seemed to shut while I was there — James Reach >
— often used with up
 < all my kids … were reporting for the parade, so I thought we'd shut up early — J.G.Cozzens >
or down
 < plants cut down the number of their employees and in many cases shut down entirely — American Guide Series: New Hampshire >
 < force newspapers to accept censorship or shut down — Time >

- shut one's eyes
- shut one's face
- shut one's mouth
- shut the door
- shut up shop
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English schett, from shutten, shetten, shitten, v. — more at shut I
1. : a device used in shutting or closing:
 a. archaic : bolt, bar
 b. chiefly dialect : shutter
 c. : a door or plate used to close an opening
2. : the act or time of shutting
 < at shut of evening >
3. : the line or place of union at a welded joint
4. : cold shut
III. adjective
Etymology: from past participle of shut (I)
1. : closed, fastened, or folded together
 < the shut door was blank against the summer sunlight — Elizabeth M. Roberts >
 < listened with shut eyes >
 < has her mind shut against all other civilizations — Nora Waln >
 < a terrible, white shut face — S.V.Benét >
2. : rid, clear, free — usually used with of
 < I thought I'd never get shut of him >
 < would soon be shut of them all — Hervey Allen >
IV. \ˈshət, ˈshu̇t, ˈshet\
chiefly dialect
variant of shoot




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