

单词 side
释义 side
I. \ˈsīd\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sīde; akin to Old Saxon sīda side, Old High German sīta, Old Norse sītha; derivative from a prehistoric adjective represented by Old Frisian sīde low, wide, Old English sīd long, large, wide, Old High German sīto, adverb, weakly, loose, Old Norse sīthr long, pendulous; akin to Old English sāwan to sow — more at sow
 a. : the right or left lateral part of the wall or trunk of the body
  < a pain in the side >
 b. archaic : the female seat of generation or birth
 c. : the area in which is felt the exertion produced by speaking or by boisterous laughter
  < split his sides with laughing — Charles Dickens >
2. : a place, space, or direction with respect to a center or to a line of division (as of an aisle, river, or street)
 < found on all sides >
 < on this side >
3. : one of the surfaces or surface parts of an object which are distinguished from the ends as being longer and from the front or back as being more or less perpendicular to the observer
 < tacking … bunting to the front and sides of the platform — John Updike >
— often used in combination
 < beside >
 < foreside >
 < inside >
 < topside >
 < upside >
 a. : a bounding line of a geometrical figure
  < the side of the road >
  < the side of a triangle >
 b. : one of the surfaces and especially one of the longer surfaces that define or limit a solid : a part (as a wall of a room) connecting the extremities of the top and bottom : face
  < the side of a box >
  < the side of a prism >
  (1) : either of the two surfaces of a thin object (as a sheet, disk, slice, or partition)
   < the other side of the coin >
  (2) : the inner or outer aspect of something
 d. : one of the surfaces serving to enclose or bound a space
  < the side of a pool >
  < side of a valley >
  < sides of a cave >
 e. : a line joining two consecutive vertices of a polygon
  (1) : one playing surface of a phonograph record
  (2) : a single recorded selection
5. : the space immediately beside or in close proximity to someone
 < never from thy side henceforth to stray — John Milton >
 a. : the outer surface of a ship on either side above the waterline
 b. : the portion of the outer surface below the main deck — distinguished from topside
 a. : an outer portion of something held to face in a particular direction
  < the upper side of a sphere >
 b. : an aspect or part of something held to be contrasted with some other aspect or part
  < the better side of his nature >
  < try to find the brighter side of the tragedy >
 a. : a slope or declivity (as of a hill or bank) considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge
  < along the side of yon small hill — John Milton >
  — often used in combination
  < hillside >
  < mountainside >
 b. obsolete : the outskirts of a grove or city
 c. : land bordering a body of water : bank, shore — often used in combination
  < lakeside >
  < riverside >
  < seaside >
9. : the attitude or action of one person or group with respect to another : part
10. : a position viewed as opposite to or contrasted with another
 < balanced on both sides >
 < there are two sides to every question >
 a. : the position of a person or party regarded as opposed to another person or party whether as a rival or a foe
  < God on our side, doubt not of victory — Shakespeare >
 b. : the interest or cause which one maintains against another : a doctrine or cause opposed to another
 a. : one of the halves of the body of an animal or man on either side of the mesial plane
  < a side of beef >
 b. : a cut of meat including that about the ribs of one lateral half of the body — used chiefly of smoked pork products
  < a well-cured side >
  — see pork illustration
 a. : one of the parties in a transaction, battle, or debate : a body of advocates or partisans : a political party or faction
  < a victory for neither side >
 b. : one of the contesting parties in a game or sport
 c. : a group of players in a card game who are partners
 d. Britain : team
  < a soccer side >
  < a match is played between two sides of eleven players each — Laws of Cricket >
14. : a line of descent traced through one parent
 < the grandfather on one's mother's side >
 < of Irish ancestry on his father's sideCurrent Biography >
 a. : a part (as of a place or thing) located in a particular direction from a center or line of division
  < on one side of the church >
  < this side of the city >
  (1) : a geographical region or district
  (2) : the inhabitants of such a region — usually used in combination
   < countryside >
16. : one page of a book or writing : one side of a sheet of paper
 < a man might blur ten sides of paper in attempting a defense — Charles Lamb >
17. : a position, movement, or inclination away from a central line or point
 < to one side >
 < on one side >
18. : one half of a hide divided along the backbone for use in leather manufacturing
19. : sideways spin imparted to a billiard ball — compare english 5
 a. : a sheet containing the lines and cues for a single theatrical role and used in learning a role
 b. : a speech in a play
  < she knew all her sides after only a few rehearsals >
21. : the front or back cover of a book
22. : the aspect and the functioning of a court in some distinct portion of its general jurisdiction
 < the criminal-law side of the English High Court of Justice >
 < the admiralty side of a United States district court >
 < the equity side of a state court >
23. : the surface of a screw thread that joins a crest with a root
24. : the men and equipment engaged in the removal of a section of timber in logging
25. : the area outside the center in craps or an imaginary area outside the layout in banking games where bets are held to be placed by players among themselves rather than against the shooter or house
 < place a bet on the side >
— see side bet
Synonyms: see phase

- at side
- on the side
- over the side
- this side
- through one's sides
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from side, n.
1. : of, relating to, or used on the side (as of a person)
 < side armor >
 < a side sore >
 a. : directed toward or from the side
  < a side blow >
  < side thrust >
 b. : held to be directed toward or from the side : collateral, incidental, indirect
  < a side issue >
  < a side view >
  < a side remark >
 c. : made on the side
  < a side agreement between member A and member B may … prevent general agreement — Harold Stein >
  < side money >
  < side payment >
 d. : additional to the regular or main portion or order
  < a side order of french fries >
 a. : located at or towards the side (as of a building, structure, or thoroughfare)
  < side window >
  < side room >
  < side path >
 b. : having the principal part (as the blade or head) located on one side rather than on the end
  < side chisel >
  < side hammer >
  < side plane >
  — see side tool
 c. : used at the side
  < side screen >
  < side hook >
 d. : of, relating to, or used on the side of a boat
  < side guy >
  < side plates >
 e. : growing to or from one side
  < a side branch >
  < side shoot >
4. : blowing at right angles to a line from the mark to an archer
 < a side wind >
III. adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from side, n.
: to, at, by, or from one side
 < side launched them for use as cargo barges — K.M.Dodson >
— usually used in combination
 < sidecast >
 < side-hanging >
IV. verb
Etymology: Middle English siden, from side, n.
transitive verb
1. archaic : to cut or carve (as a haddock) into sides
2. : to be or range oneself on the side with : agree with : support
 < not a fighting friend left to side him — F.B.Gipson >
3. : to range (as oneself) on or with one of two contesting sides
4. : to be, go, or stand at the side of : come to the side of : walk by the side of : be side by side with
5. : to work (as a timber or rib) to a specified thickness by trimming the sides
6. dialect
 a. : to put (as a room) in order : clean or tidy up (as a table) : arrange — often used with up
 b. : to place at one side : set or put aside : clear away : remove
  < side dishes >
7. : to furnish with sides or siding
 < side a house >
8. : to draw (as a rope) toward the side : draw over or out
9. : to apply covers of cloth or other material to the boards of (as a book or case) after the backbone and corners have been affixed — often used with up
intransitive verb
1. : to embrace the opinions of one party or engage in its interest in opposition to another party : take sides : join or form sides
 < all side in parties and begin the attack — Alexander Pope >
— usually used with with or against
 < the local justice of the peace sided with the squatters — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
 < sided against the Administration on most issues >
2. : to move, turn, or bend sideways
3. chiefly dialect : to stand or move to one side
V. adjective
Etymology: Middle English, long, large, wide, from Old English sīd — more at side (n.)
chiefly Scotland : wide, capacious, flowing — used especially of a garment
VI. noun
Etymology: obsolete English side proud, boastful, from Middle English, wide, capacious
: swaggering manner : arrogant behavior : conceit, pretentiousness




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