释义 |
sigillate I. sig·il·late \ˈsijəˌlāt\ transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Latin sigillatus, past participle of sigillare, from sigillum seal — more at seal : to close by or as if by a seal : seal II. sigil·late \ˈsijəˌlāt, sə̇ˈjilə̇t\ adjective or sig·il·lat·ed \ˈsijəˌlād.ə̇d\ Etymology: sigillate from Latin sigillatus, from sigillum + -atus -ate; sigillated from Latin sigillatus + English -ed 1. : decorated by means of stamped-on patterns or motifs — used especially of ancient Roman ware 2. : having markings like seals < sigillate rootstock > |