

单词 silent
释义 si·lent
I. \ˈsīlənt\ adjective
(often -er/-est)
Etymology: Latin silent-, silens, from present participle of silēre to be silent; akin to Gothic anasilan to subside, abate (of wind), Latin sinere to leave, let go, lay — more at site
1. : making no utterance:
 a. : unable to speak : mute, tongue-tied, awestruck
  < stared at the Pacific … silent, upon a peak in Darien — John Keats >
 b. : unaccustomed or indisposed to speak : not conversing or answering : resolved not to speak
  < he laughed and chattered, but she was silent, seeming to brood over something — D.H.Lawrence >
  < the silent suspect, refusing to answer the police >
2. : free from sound or noise : making no sound or noise : perfectly quiet : noiseless, still
 < a silent room >
 < a silent audience >
 < a silent forest >
 a. : conducted, performed, enjoyed, or borne without spoken word or utterance : unspoken, tacit
  < the banquet, at first so silent, slowly changes to a merry tumult — Lafcadio Hearn >
  < silent protest must at length come to words — Thomas Carlyle >
  < silent reading >
  < silent prayer >
 b. : not expressed in words : felt or experienced without expression in words or vocal utterance
  < suffering in silent grief >
 a. : making no mention or account : omitting explanation and leaving questions unanswered
  < on the crucial point of enforcement methods the assembly resolution is silent — Ruth Lawson >
  < did not tell us that logic is to be ignored when experience is silent — B.N.Cardozo >
  < remained silent on the reasons for the change >
 b. : not recorded : not mentioned, explained, or referred to
  < the secretary's silent role in the conspiracy >
 c. : not known or not generally known : unnoticed and therefore not appreciated
  < the railways might well be said to render a silent service — O.S.Nock >
  < new ways of life developing under the silent pressure of a freer environment — V.L.Parrington >
 d. : taking no active part in the conduct of a business
  < a silent member of a firm >
  — compare silent partner
 e. : unresponsive especially from lack of feeling or understanding
  < this humbug of the judge as a soulless automaton whose mind and heart are silent when he performs his operations — H.J.Laski >
5. : being an orthographic letter or letter combination which if removed from a word would still leave letters enough to account for the pronunciation of the word
 < silent b in doubt >
 < silent ph in phthisis >
or which serves as a conventional indicator of the quality of another letter without itself being pronounced
 < silent e in pine shows that the i has the value \ī\ rather than the value \i\ in pin >
 a. : maintaining a state of inactivity
  < a silent volcano >
  (1) : not exhibiting the usual evidences (as signs or symptoms) of presence
   < a silent bone fracture >
   < silent heat in cattle >
   : causing no symptoms
   < silent gallstones >
   < silent tuberculosis >
  (2) : characterized by such a silent state
   < the silent phase of a tumor >
  (3) : yielding no detectable response to stimulation — used especially of an association area of the brain
7. : flavorless, flat — used of distilled spirits especially when rectified for use in the arts
 a. : lacking spoken dialogue
 b. : of or relating to silent motion pictures
  < the silent screen >
  < Hollywood in the great days of the silent stars — Budd Schulberg >
9. : inaudible to the human ear because outside its frequency range
 < a silent dog whistle >
 reticent, reserved, taciturn, uncommunicative, close, close-mouthed, close-lipped, tight-lipped, secretive: as here discussed, silent may refer to a disposition to speak rather little or to a determination not to speak
  < a silent man with a great sense of his personal worth which made his speeches guarded — Joseph Conrad >
  < was very silent during the speech and … had listened attentively — George Meredith >
  reticent indicates reluctance to speak out induced either by cautious discreetness or by shy lack of assertiveness
  < almost reticent in his stingy use of words exactly chiseled out of the moment's need — W.A.White >
  < about his own experiences … was inclined to be reticent … because he considered them, as he put it, uninteresting — Kenneth Roberts >
  reserved describes speaking or acting under the restraining influence of caution or formality checking easy unguarded expression
  < I wished that she had told me frankly … Jane was always so reserved — Rose Macaulay >
  < even the reserved Washington wrote caustically of their bad manners — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
  taciturn suggests a deep and accustomed disinclination to talk much; it may connote the unsociable or the laconic
  < he had become more and more gloomy and taciturn. Mills tried in vain to draw him into talk — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall >
  < always taciturn, he now hardly spoke at all — Stuart Cloete >
  uncommunicative indicates an unwillingness to impart information
  < an atomic scientist quite uncommunicative about his work >
  close indicates a general disposition to keep information from being revealed
  < will confide in nobody … every one feels that he is emphatically close — J.H.Newman >
  < you're a close one, but you give yourself away sometimes — Willa Cather >
  closed-mouthed and close-lipped have about the same suggestions as close, although they are more likely to be used in reference to matters confidential or secret
  < a millionaire's close-mouthed confidential secretary >
  < a duke's close-lipped adviser >
  tight-lipped may suggest resolute or determined silence about a specific matter
  < company officials, all tight-lipped about the uranium thefts >
  secretive suggests either a disposition towards carefully guarding secrets or undue caution or concealment about less important matters
  < you're so excessively secretive that I can't help being curious — Dashiell Hammett >
II. noun
1. obsolete : a time of silence
 < the silent of the night — Shakespeare >
2. silents plural : motion pictures without spoken dialogue
 < some primitive Western of the silents, at which you were supposed to laugh — Edmund Wilson >
 < in the days of the silents — Alfred Kazin >
III. adjective
: having no detectable function or effect
 < silent DNA >
 < silent genes >




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