

单词 sincere
释义 sin·cere
\(ˈ)sin|si(ə)r, _sənˈs-, -iə\ adjective
(usually -er/-est)
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin sincerus, probably from sem- one + -cerus (from creare to create) — more at same, crescent
1. : marked by genuineness: as
 a. : free of dissimulation : not hypocritical : real, true, honest
  < the missionaries were prompted by a sincere desire for good — Herman Melville >
  < was above all sincere and detested any form of pretense or affectation — Terry de Valera >
  (1) : free from adulteration : not mixed
   < to find and isolate Nazism in its pure sincere form proved extremely difficult — J.C.Harsch >
  (2) : not containing any foreign element : pure
   < wood is cheap and wine sincere outside the city gate — Robert Browning >
 c. : marked by truth : genuine
  < the only sincere glimpse that we get of the living breathing word-compelling Dante — J.R.Lowell >
 d. : motivated by a desire for meaningful expression
  < the emotional substratum which we feel to be inseparable from a truly great and sincere work of musical art — Edward Sapir >
2. archaic : devoid
 < air sincere of ceremonious haze — J.R.Lowell >
3. : characterized by firm belief in the validity of one's own opinions
 < an entirely sincere and cruel tyrant >
 wholehearted, whole-souled, heartfelt, hearty, unfeigned: sincere suggests absence of hypocrisy, dissimulation, falsification, feigning, or embellishment and consequent honest genuineness
  < too sincere for dissimulation — Ellen Glasgow >
  < individuals are considered sincere when there is little or no discrepancy between the goals they seek and those they claim to be seeking — L.W.Doob >
  wholehearted and whole-souled stress lack of reservation or misgiving and may suggest devotion, zeal, and sincerity
  < writes himself down a frank and wholehearted Tory — V.L.Parrington >
  < who could help liking her? her generous nature, her gift for appreciation, her wholehearted, fervid enthusiasm — L.P.Smith >
  < men whose dedication to their country was whole-souled, nevertheless, and for whom the supreme frustration of personal ambition never deflected them away from public services of a monumental nature — Eric Sevareid >
  heartfelt suggests a genuine stirring of innermost feelings and usually contrasts with formal, conventional, outwardly indicated, more or less factitious manifestation
  < our sympathy for you therefore is heartfelt, for we are sharing the same sufferings — Sir Winston Churchill >
  < if ever men have offered heartfelt thanks to God for deliverance from the perils of the sea, surely we were those men — C.B.Nordhoff & J.N.Hall >
  hearty may suggest vigorous manifestations like notable warmth and robust exuberance
  < infuriated elderly traveling salesmen were backslapped all day long by hearty and powerful unknown persons — Sinclair Lewis >
  < a courtier's laugh, decorous, brief and not too hearty — J.H.Wheelwright >
  unfeigned may stress spontaneity and absence of simulation
  < I confess to unfeigned delight in the insurgent propaganda — J.L.Lowes >




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