

单词 half
释义 Search result show the entry is found in: inside half , or other half , or reverse half nelson , or scrum half , or seven and a half , or shelter half , or better half , or split-half , or standoff half , or story-and-a-half , or biological half-life , or tack and half tack , or time and a half , or two-and-one-half striper , or wing half , or half duplex , or half-pipe , or half-space , or half-and-half , or half-bred , or half-breed , or half-caste , or half-life , or half-mast , or half-roll , or half-slip , or half-track , or half close , or half isle , or half stock , or half-blood , or half-hourly , or half-life period , or half-ripened , or half-shrubby , or half-sibling , or half-timbered , or half-timbering , or half-tracked , or half-wittedly , or half-wittedness , or half-yearly , or with half an eye , or fly half , or and a half , or by half , or half a mind , or in half , or half-a-crown , or half a dollar , or half an eye , or half-ape , or half-armor , or half-assed , or half aunt , or half-baked , or half-ball stroke , or half bat , or half-beam , or half-bent , or half binding , or half bishop , or half blood , or half-blooded , or half board , or half bog soil , or half boot , or half-bound , or half-box , or half-breadth plan , or half brother , or half-bull , or half cadence , or half-castrate , or half-cell , or half cent , or half chronometer , or half-close , or half cock , or half-cock , or half-cocked , or half column , or half cone , or half-course , or half cousin , or half-cracked , or half crown , or half deck , or half-decked , or half-decker , or half-diamond indention , or half dime , or half disme , or half-dollar , or half door , or half eagle , or half-evergreen , or half-faced , or half fare , or half gainer , or half gerund , or half-hardy , or half-hardy annual , or half hatchet , or half header , or half hitch , or half-holiday , or half hose , or half hour , or half-hour glass , or half hunter , or half-inferior , or half island , or half joe , or half-knot , or half lap , or half-length , or half-light , or half line , or half-long , or half-loop , or half-marrow , or half measure , or half-minded , or half-monitor , or half-moon , or half-mooned , or half mourning , or half nelson , or half nephew , or half niece , or half note , or half nut , or half-one , or half-open , or half-orphan , or half-pike , or half-pint , or half-pitch , or half plane , or half principal , or half-rater , or half ray , or half rest , or half rhyme , or half ring , or half-ripe , or half-round , or half round , or half-round file , or half run , or half-saved , or half-seas over , or half sheet , or on the half shell , or half shell , or half shirt , or half-shot , or half-shrub , or half-sib , or half-silvered , or half sister , or half size , or half sleeve , or half-snap , or half snipe , or half sole , or half-sole , or half sovereign , or half space , or half-staff , or half step , or half-stopped , or half story , or half-stripe , or half stuff , or half sweep , or at half-sword , or half-sword , or half tester bed , or half tide , or half timber , or half time , or half-timer , or half tint , or half title , or half-toe , or half-tongue , or half-truth , or half-turn , or half twist , or half uncial , or half uncle , or half-value layer , or half volley , or half-volley , or half-wave plate , or half-wave rectifier , or half wellington , or half-wit , or half-witted , or half-world , or half year




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更新时间:2025/3/31 4:23:40