

单词 single
释义 sin·gle
I. \ˈsiŋgəl\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English single, sengle, from Middle French, from Latin singulus one only, individual; akin to Latin sem- one — more at same
 a. : living in an unmarried state : celibate
  < take anything she can get in the way of a husband rather than face penury as a single woman — G.B.Shaw >
 b. : of or relating to celibacy
  < prefers the single state >
2. : unattended or unaccompanied by others : solitary
 < he is left alone, single and unsupported, like a leafless trunk — Mirror >
  (1) : consisting of or having only one part, feature, or portion as opposed to or contrasted with double or complex
   < double consonants are often used in place of single consonants >
   < binocular single vision was tested — H.G.Armstrong >
  (2) : consisting of one as opposed to or in contrast with many : uniform
   < undertaking to justify a single scale of rates for the entire country — W.M.W.Splawn >
   < the states sought a single type of automobile plate >
  (3) : consisting of only one in number
   < a single anchor holds the boat >
   < holds to a single ideal >
   — often used with not
   < not a single opponent of statehood appeared before the committee — Midwest Journal >
   < has not made one single concession to any other quarter — R.T.H.Fletcher >
 b. : having only the normal number of petals or rays : not double — used especially of a horticultural plant
  < a single rose >
 a. : of or relating to a particular member or part : individual
  < when nature is so careless of the single life, why should we coddle ourselves — R.L.Stevenson >
  < each single citizen is an important part of the community >
 b. : of, relating to, or involving only one person
  < check his single judgments against a larger conception or in a perspective of the whole — Meyer Schapiro >
  < will try his single strength against all the world >
 a. obsolete : lacking qualification or addition : plain
 b. archaic : of poor quality : weak
  < drank his single ale >
6. : taken by itself apart from its group or constituency : distinct, separate
 < every single minute I kept wishing — Agnes S. Turnbull >
 < the most important single resource — B.B.Jennings >
 < more than any other single influence of their period — American Guide Series: Texas >
 < the largest single agency providing assistance — Shlomo Katz >
 a. : free from duplicity or insincerity : frank, honest, open
  < the willingness of the incumbent … to devote himself with a single mind to the public good — R.M.Dawson >
  < jealousy is the flaw in the single heart — Ellen Glasgow >
  < keep your eye single and your hands clean — Charles Kingsley >
 b. : exclusively concerned or attentive — usually used of an eye
  < lives with an eye single to his own advantage — New Republic >
  < everything in this line has been procured … with an eye single to the taste of his numerous patrons — D.D.Martin >
8. : consisting of a whole : unbroken, undivided
 < science and speed have made our world into a single neighborhood — Barbara Ward >
 < the great cause was the same; the source of all the movements was elemental, natural, and single — J.L.Motley >
9. : having one on each side : man to man
 < who now defies thee thrice to single fight — John Milton >
10. : having no equal or like : unusual, singular
 < was that rare critic, perhaps even that unique and single critic — J.C.Ransom >
 < single among his fellows >
11. : only, sole
 < his single speech, that of January 31, 1861, received high praise — W.C.Ford >
 < his single intent was to speak a word of sympathy — A.T.Quiller-Couch >
 < the single piece of evidence >
12. : having the added musical part lying uniformly above or below the cantus firmus in two-part counterpoint
13. : designed for the use of one person or family only
 < a single room >
 < a single house >
 sole, unique, lone, solitary, separate, particular: single applies to that consisting of one alone and not capable of being felt as accompanied by or joined with another
  < a single instance >
  < a single currency system >
  < Maine … is the only one adjoined by but a single sister state — American Guide Series: Maine >
  < the lover imagines but a single joy; to be master of his love in body and soul — George Santayana >
  sole may intensify the notion that what is under consideration is the only one
  < the sole lien to the estate >
  < the sole product of his factory >
  < invention is almost never the sole work of a single inventor — Lewis Mumford >
  < buy out his partners … and thus become sole stockholder — Current Biography >
  < the sole casualty of the battle … was one cow — R.W.Hatch >
  unique in reference to things like manuscripts and coins designates the only one extant; in other uses it indicates that which stands alone because of its unusual character
  < the manuscript of Beowulf is unique >
  < the unique character of the English conquest of Britain needs special emphasis — Kemp Malone >
  < a unique combination of warm and relatively sunny winters, and a summer without excessively high temperatures — E.L.Ullman >
  lone and solitary may suggest both single and isolated
  < who in cells deep and lone have languished — P.B.Shelley >
  < the ambitious Aaron Burr who played a lone hand against the field — V.L.Parrington >
  < the solitary sin of an otherwise blameless character >
  < a sentry kept solitary vigil — J.H.Cutler >
  separate stresses lack of connection with others; it indicates discreteness rather than singleness
  < there was no separate church, in our sense of the term, as an independent organism within the state — G.L.Dickinson >
  < given in two separate and distinct sections of the constitution — John Marshall >
  particular in this sense stresses the fact of being regarded as distinct
  < we shall venture beyond the particular book in search of qualities that group books together — Virginia Woolf >
  < some particular achievement of modern technology, like an electric shaver or the automobile — D.W.Brogan >
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English sengle, from sengle, adjective, single
 a. : a claw of a hawk or falcon
 b. : the tail of a deer
 a. : a separate individual person
  < the guests arrive in singles and pairs >
 b. : a separate individual member of a large class of similar or identical objects: as
  (1) : a one-dollar bill
   < flashing a big bankroll, generally a wad of singles wrapped up in a hundred-dollar bill — Police Gazette >
  (2) : a phonograph record usually with not over five minutes of recording on each side
   < will release the sides both as singles and as an … LP record — Down Beat >
  (3) : a piece or section of sheet metal over 1/32 of an inch in thickness — used in plural
 c. : a modification of the coursing order in change ringing consisting of holding one bell in place through several changes
3. singles plural : change ringing as performed on four bells
 a. : a continuous strand of reeled or spun silk
 b. : a thread or yarn of any fiber that is twisted or thrown — often used in plural
 a. : a hit for one run in the game of cricket
 b. : one-base hit
6. singles plural
 a. : a tennis match or similar game with one player on each side
  < we play singles or doubles >
 b. : a golf match between two players — distinguished from foursome
7. : a boat or shell propelled by one oarsman
 a. : a performance or entertainment by only one person
  < offers to do singles on other shows and in some clubs — Newsweek >
 b. : a person who does a single
  < started hiring out as a single at lodge dances — Time >
9. : a flower having the normal number of petals or ray florets typical of the species
10. : a room, apartment, or house designed to accommodate one person or one family
 < the apartment is a single >
 < small singles of five and six rooms — Brendon Shea >
III. verb
(singled ; singled ; singling \-g(ə)liŋ\ ; singles)
Etymology: single (I)
transitive verb
 a. archaic : to move asunder : part, separate
 b. : to separate (an animal) from a herd in order to chase or hunt separately
  < single out a young cow >
2. obsolete : to lead aside : sequester, withdraw
 < I have singleed thee alone — Shakespeare >
 a. : to select or distinguish (a person or thing) from a number or group
  < walks up to the line and singles every 10th man >
  — usually used with out
  < singles out for special praise the guidebook to Wells cathedral — Pyke Johnson >
 b. : to select or distinguish (a person or thing) for especial attention or comment — usually used with out
  < something about his person that singled him out from the rest of the punctual moving crowd — E.V.Lucas >
  < had singled him out as his successor — John Buchan >
  < all I can do is to single out a few of the basic ideas — A.W.Hummel >
4. Britain : to thin (seedlings) so as to leave space between the plants
 a. archaic : to reduce to only one : concentrate
 b. : to reduce (as a doubled rope) from a number of parts to one
 a. : to advance (a base runner) by a one-base hit
  < singled him to third base >
 b. : to bring about the scoring of (a run) by a one-base hit
intransitive verb
1. archaic : to separate oneself from others : proceed alone
2. : to thin out seedlings
3. : to take in all bights of mooring lines on a ship except single lines preparatory to getting under way — usually used with up
4. : to make a one-base hit
 < singled to center and knocked in two more runs — James Thurber >
 < singled behind his catcher — John Drebinger >
IV. adverb
: singly
V. noun
: an unmarried person and especially one young and socially active — usually used in plural
 < a way of life for young singles — Norman Mailer >
 < a singles weekend >




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