

单词 sink
释义 sink
I. \ˈsiŋk\ verb
(sank \-aŋk, -aiŋk\ ; or sunk ; sunk \-əŋk\ ; or sunk·en \-kən\ ; sinking ; sinks)
Etymology: Middle English sinken, from Old English sincan; akin to Old High German sinkan to sink, Old Norse sökkva, Gothic sinqan to sink, Greek heaphthē clung, sank, Armenian ankanim I fall, yield
intransitive verb
 a. : to become submerged : go to the bottom : submerge
  < the Atago sinks in 19 minutes — H.W.Baldwin >
  < the overloaded raft sank below the surface >
 b. : to become partly buried or submerged (as in mud)
  < sinking up to his hips in the snow >
  < must sink deeper into the morass before we again emerge onto firm ground — Vannevar Bush >
 c. : to descend into or become engulfed by the earth
  < whole towns sinking as the earth opens great cracks >
  (1) : to fall or drop to a lower place or level
   < letting his head sink to his chest >
   < peeled off and sank into a cloud layer — W.F.Jenkins >
   < the hand opens out fully and … quietly sinks down below the waist — Warwick Braithwaite >
  (2) : to flow at a lower depth or level
   < water … sinks down in the sandstone and finds its way extremely slowly north — K.S.Sandford >
   < after the spring floods the brooks sink >
  (3) : to burn with lower intensity : die down
   < watching the flames sink and the coals begin to glow >
  (4) : to fall to a lower pitch or tone : become fainter
   < in the general hush his voice sank to a whisper — Waldo Frank >
   < sounds of voices sinking in the distance >
 b. : to subside gradually : settle
  < some parts of the mainland are slowly sinking and some rising as time works its changes — American Guide Series: Texas >
 c. : to move or go out of sight : disappear from view
  < riding on, he looked back to see the workers sink below the tops of the hedgerows >
 d. : to move down in the sky toward or at the horizon
  < the sun sank below the western rim of the prairies — F.B.Gipson >
  < though sun is sunk and darkness near — R.P.Warren >
  < to follow knowledge like a sinking star — Alfred Tennyson >
 e. : to decline or slope gradually : dip
  < a spur of hills sinking into the opalescence of the far seas — Osbert Sitwell >
  < ahead of her the road sank between the autumn fields and the brilliant patches of woods — Ellen Glasgow >
 a. : to become lost or absorbed : penetrate
  < the river seems literally to sink into the earth before the hills on the horizon — Tom Marvel >
  < the ink quickly sinks in the blotting paper >
  < the kind of psychological poison which sinks so deeply into our system — H.A.Overstreet >
 b. : to become impressively known or felt or comprehended — usually used with in or into
  < the lesson of inflation had not sunk in — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
  < the gloomy truth has sunk in that the buffalo no longer fill the prairies — D.W.Brogan >
  < any abstract pattern … may in this way sink into my mind — Herbert Read >
  < for any picture really to sink into your imagination … it is necessary to carry the feeling of the picture away with you — J.C.Powys >
4. : to become deeply absorbed or immersed : fall — usually used with in or into
 < drew thoughtfully at his pipe and sank into a reverie — Dorothy Sayers >
 < had sunk morosely into thought — Berton Roueché >
 < overcome by exhaustion she sank quietly into sleep — Louis Bromfield >
 a. : to go downward or deteriorate in quality, state, or condition : degenerate, retrogress — usually used with into or to
  < the old aristocracy sank in wealth and prestige — F.J.Mather >
  < architectural training and taste had sunk back into a period of chaos — J.E.Gloag >
  < should sink back into another Dark Age — Lindsay Rogers >
  < sink into decay and eventual ruin — Ivor Bulmer-Thomas >
  < causes the world of custom to sink into its deserved oblivion — C.S.Kilby >
  < if the writer of fiction turns from this task he will sink deservedly to the level of formalistic entertainer — Elizabeth Janeway >
 b. : to grow less in amount : diminish in worth : decline
  < the population … sank from about 20 millions to about 9 — Herbert Agar >
  < support from public funds had sunk to the vanishing point — C.L.Jones >
  < real estate values sank to a new low — American Guide Series: New York City >
 c. : to fall in reputation or standing : lower oneself
  < I had sunk considerably in her estimation — Norman Douglas >
  < no medieval artist sinks so low — G.G.Coulton >
  < she'd die rather than sink to such a deed — Eden Phillpotts >
 a. : to fall or drop slowly for lack of strength : give way : collapse
  < nearly sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness — Mary W. Shelley >
  < rose and sank upon her seat … fainting, praying, raving, despairing — Thomas De Quincey >
  < his legs sink beneath him >
 b. : to move oneself gradually to a lower position
  < he sank down on the steps — Laura Krey >
  < his body crouched almost as if he were going to sink upon all fours — Edith Sitwell >
  < widows, bachelors, and old folk would sink back in their chairs with a nostalgic look — Charles Ruffing >
 a. : to become borne down by misfortune or the pressure of events or difficulties
  < in imminent danger of sinking under the tyranny of a succession of small men — T.B.Macaulay >
 b. : to become depressed, discouraged, or sorrowful
  < studied this fresh proof of poverty with a sinking heart — T.B.Costain >
  < sometimes his heart sank when he asked himself whether he and his family were withstanding it — Glenway Wescott >
  < his courage sank >
 c. : to fail in health or strength
  < the frail system had been shattered, and all around saw that she was slowly sinking — William Black >
  < his frame soon sank under the effects of study, toil, and persecution — T.B.Macaulay >
  < were chasing a sinking fox and babbling for the kill — G.S.Patton >
transitive verb
 a. : to cause or allow (something) to go or drop to a lower point or level
  < could have sunk the gun down the after hatch — Nevil Shute >
  < sank his chin on his hands — Christine Weston >
 b. : to force or send down especially below the earth's surface
  < the iron clothes post Burton had sunk for her … near the fence — Minnie H. Moody >
  < framed their rude huts with pairs of light poles sunk in the ground — American Guide Series: New York >
  < he had been sunken into his grave — Marguerite Young >
 c. : to cause (something) to become embedded : drive, thrust
  < saw the hideous creature … as it prepared to sink its proboscis — William Beebe >
  < sank the dagger up to its hilt >
  — often used with into
  < sank her nails into the palms of her hands — John Dos Passos >
 a. : to cause (a ship or other object) to plunge or go under the water or to the bottom
  < estuaries were cluttered with sunken shipping — Current Biography >
  < sank his colors in the Rio Grande and led the remnant of his command into Mexico — B.I.Wiley >
 b. : to place or force beneath the water : submerge
  < caissons had been sunk to keep out the water — American Guide Series: Vermont >
  < men … sunk a grappling hook into position — Erle Stanley Gardner >
 c. : to engage deeply : engross the attention of : immerse — usually used with in or into
  < a wish to sink my mind into everything I saw and did and to absorb it all — Elyne Mitchell >
  < described the scientist aptly by saying … that he sinks himself in the object — H.A.Overstreet >
  < some producers can't bear the idea of sinking their own individualities in that of a man perhaps long since dead — Warwick Braithwaite >
  < sunk in a sea of mystery — W.L.Sullivan >
 a. : to dig or bore (a well or shaft) in the earth : excavate
  < this mine had been sunk to the tenth level — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
  < hopes … to sink a shaft on the north side of the pyramid — Patrick Smith >
  < water wells are sunk in various ways — W.J.Miller >
  < sank a trial pit — O.M.Marashian >
  (1) : to form (a hole or depression) by cutting or excising
   < sink words in stone >
  (2) : to permit ingress or insertion of (something) by such sinking
   < sink the screwhead level with the wood >
   < a new kind of pottery … with loop handles sunk in the body on either side — Jacquetta & Christopher Hawkes >
4. : to cast down or bring to a low condition or state : overwhelm, ruin, defeat
 < fighting gallantly under odds which would sink a less courageous … people — T.H.Fielding >
 < sunk to the hovels though he was, he had the rags of a finer past about him — Robert Lynd >
 < we've got to watch our step clear through … or we're sunk — Christopher Isherwood >
— sometimes used as an imprecation
 < sink me, mister, but ye gave me a turn! I never heard ye open the door — Max Peacock >
 a. : to lower in standing or reputation : abase
  < my motive … will not sink me in your esteem — Jane Austen >
  < his prestige in society was sunk — Virginia Woolf >
 b. archaic : to set or consider as being at a low state or level : degrade
 a. obsolete : to cause (as water) to subside : lower
 b. : to make (something) disappear by moving or sailing away
  < the ship gradually sank the coast >
 a. archaic : to cause (a person) to become depressed or dejected
  (1) : to weaken physically : debilitate
   < trouble enough to sink a much younger man >
   < seemed too sunken under the heat to take any notice of who took their passports — Dan Jacobson >
  (2) : to weaken or reduce the strength of (a bow)
   < sink your bow with repeated flexings >
 a. archaic : to lessen in value or amount : cause (as prices) to decline
 b. : to lower or soften (the voice) in speaking : modulate
  < he went on, sinking his voice — Hugh Walpole >
 a. : to stop using : abandon
  < sank his old name when he got his title >
  (1) : to avoid mention of or reference to (a matter or fact)
   < has a habit of sinking unpleasant truths >
  (2) : to conceal (a card or combination) by not melding (as in calling a trio when one holds quatorze at piquet)
 c. : to subtract (the weight of the offal) when weighing meat
  (1) : to set aside : restrain, suppress
   < so to sink our personality as to be ready to drift with every current of opinion — S.J.Brown >
   < men are able to sink passions for the good of the race — Waldemar Kaempffert >
   < sinks her pride and approaches the despised neighbor — Richard Harrison >
  (2) : to exclude from consideration : subordinate
   < induce rival groups to sink their differences in the face of common danger — C.L.Jones >
   < was ready to sink his republicanism so long as the nation was made — Times Literary Supplement >
10. archaic : to take or assume (as money) for personal use : appropriate
11. : to pay off (as a debt) : liquidate
 a. : to invest (capital or labor) in a holding or development with intent to gain income or other receipts
  < no government could take land away from settlers who have sunk skill and capital in it for 50 years — Elspeth Huxley >
  < will sink something over a million dollars into this plant just as a starter — Green Peyton >
 b. : to invest or spend (money) unprofitably or without hope of financial return
  < were more inclined to hurry past a town where they had sunk money that would never come back — Willa Cather >
  < in undertaking to make this a sylvan retreat he sunk a large part of his patrimony — I.J.Cox >
13. : to place (as the heading of a section of a book) below the level of the top line of the full text page
 < sink preface four picas >
14. : to cause (a ball or other object) to go in or through a receptacle or hole in a game
 < sinks foul shots consistently >
 < sank the eight ball in the corner pocket >
 < always sinks his putts >
Synonyms: see fall

- sink one's teeth
- sink or swim
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English sinke, from sinken to sink — more at sink I
  (1) : a pool or sand-filled pit for the deposit of waste or sewage : cesspool
  (2) : a container for foul matter or waste
   < the sea is the sink of the earth >
   < making sinks of our rivers >
 b. : a ditch, drainpipe, or vaulted tunnel for carrying off sewage : sewer
 c. : a stationary basin or a cabinet with a basin connected with a drain and usually a water supply for washing and drainage
 a. : a place where vice, corruption, or evil collects or gathers : den
  < came to be a sink of debauchery, vice, and crime — R.A.Hall b. 1911 >
  < will seem to him a sink of mediocrity and human indecency — V.S.Pritchett >
  < known as a sink of iniquity >
 b. : a place where such evil breeds and spreads
  < from this sink of sin and bawdy carousal issued murderers, sneak thieves, footpads, burglars, harlots, arsonites, and swindlers of every variety — Herbert Asbury >
3. obsolete : the vicious, corrupt, or evil persons of a place
4. : a preliminary excavation or pit to be enlarged until it is a full-sized shaft : sump
 a. : a depression in the land surface; especially : one having a central playa or saline lake with no outlet
 b. : a hollow in a limestone region communicating with a cavern or subterranean passage so that waters running into it disappear — called also sinkhole, swallow
6. obsolete : well 3a
7. archaic : a place where things disappear or are engulfed
8. : a depression made in a flat surface (as in the face of a timepiece)
9. : a part of the printing area of a plate (as an electrotype) that is too low to print properly
10. : a body or substance used for the disposal of a fluid or heat in the course of a hydrodynamic or a thermodynamic process (as the condenser of a steam engine)




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