

单词 perfectionist
释义 per·fec·tion·ist
I. \-sh(ə)nə̇st\ noun
Etymology: perfection (I) + -ist
1. : an adherent of perfectionism: as
 a. : one who believes in the ethical or spiritual perfectibility of mankind
  < a Puritan perfectionistSaturday Review >
 b. usually capitalized : a member of the original Oneida Community practicing perfectionism
 c. : one who claims to have attained moral perfection or sinlessness
2. : one that demands or works to achieve perfection
 < they are perfectionists and will either have the best or nothing at all — Nancy Mitford >
 < a perfectionist, he rehearsed one scene … 50 times — Time >
II. adjective
also per·fec·tion·is·tic \pə(r)|fekshə|nistik, -tēk\
: of, relating to, or characterized by perfection or perfectionism




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