释义 |
skim·mer I. \ˈskimə(r)\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, alteration (influenced by -er) of skymour, from skymen, skimmen to skim + -or, -our -or 1. : a utensil or implement used for skimming: as a. : a flat perforated scoop or spoon used for skimming cooking liquids or lifting ripened cream from milk b. : a broad-bladed jointer c. : an implement to prevent dross or slag from running over with the molten metal from a ladle to a mold d. : a device similar to a power shovel for skimming off the surface of the ground in grading e. : a perforated shovel used in lifting salt out of an evaporating pan 2. a. : one that skims < the structure of the modern news story is suited to the skimmer — F.L.Mott > b. : one whose work is skimming (as dirt from the surface of a vat of oysters or slag from molten metal) c. : a worker who sprinkles flux on molten magnesium to keep it from igniting when it is poured into molds 3. : any of several long-winged littoral marine birds of the genus Rynchops that are related to the terns, have the lower mandible compressed like a knife blade and much longer than the upper, fly rapidly along the surface of the water with the lower mandible immersed to skim out small marine animals 4. a. : water strider b. : a dragonfly of the genus Libellula 5. : a usually straw flat-crowned hat with a wide straight brim II. dialect Britain variant of shimmer III. noun : a fitted sleeveless usually flaring sheathlike dress |