

单词 hard
释义 hard
I. \ˈhärd, ˈhȧd\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English heard; akin to Old High German hart hard, Old Norse harthr hard, Gothic hardus severe, Greek kratos strength, kratys strong, and probably to Sanskrit karkara hard
  (1) : not easily penetrated, cut, or separated into parts : not easily yielding to pressure : firm, solid, compact
   < an extremely hard stone >
   < wriggled uncomfortably in his hard chair >
   < these apples are very hard >
  (2) : having rigid boards on the sides covered in cloth or paper
   < a hard binding >
   < selling methods … to fit the hard books — Henry Garfinkle >
  (3) : hardwood 2
 b. of liquor
  (1) : having a harsh, sharp, or acid taste
   < a hard wine >
  (2) : strong, spirituous, intoxicating; specifically : having an alcoholic content of more than 22.5 percent
  (1) : characterized by the presence of dissolved substances (as salts of magnesium and calcium) that prevent the formation of lather with soap — used of water and water solutions
  (2) of oil : too thick to pour at ordinary temperatures
  (3) : characterized by radiation of relatively high penetrating power
   < hard X rays >
  also : relating to or constituting a high-vacuum tube that produces such radiation
   < hard tube >
  (4) : having or producing relatively great photographic contrast
   < a hard negative >
   < hard paper >
  (5) : difficult to fuse or soften
   < a hard glass >
   < a hard enamel >
  (1) of money : metallic as distinct from paper
   < the colonies suffered from a shortage of hard money >
   < ranchers … who were known to keep their wealth in the form of hard money — W.H.Breen >
  (2) of currency : convertible into gold or heavily backed by a gold reserve and typically stable, high, or appreciating in value
   < the period of the eighteen-nineties witnessed a bitter struggle between the hard-money and the cheap-money groups — C.B.Swisher >
  also : available to borrowers in limited supply and at high interest rates
   < a hard-money policy >
  (3) of a currency : soundly backed and usually readily convertible into foreign currencies without restrictions or large discounts
   < they require payment in dollars, pounds, or other hard … currency — Joseph Wechsberg >
  (4) : constituting currency as distinct from promissory notes or other documents of contingent value — often used as an intensive in the phrase hard cash
   < he has to be paid in hard cash >
   < pay the writing schools hard cash to liberate their muse — Edward Uhlan >
  (5) of prices : high and firm
  (1) : tight — used especially of yarns with many twists per inch
  (2) : napless — used especially of woolen and worsted fabrics with a smooth clear finish
  (3) of plumage : close-fitting and firm in texture
  (4) of individual feathers : uniformly colored
  (1) : capable of great physical exertion or endurance : not flabby or soft : physically fit
   < nice animals in good hard condition — R.M.Daw >
   < all likely lads in hard condition — John Buchan >
  (2) : resistant especially to stress or disease : hardy
   < children of harder stock — Ernest Beaglehole >
 b. : free of weakness or other flaw : strong, unyielding, tempered
  < brought out of the war a character austere and not a little hard — Edmund Wilson >
  < a man of hard unbending will >
  (1) : not tentative or contingent : fixed, definite, binding, concrete
   < failure … to make hard, firm decisions at high levels — Science >
   < the continuing lack of a hard agreement with the U.S. — Benjamin Welles >
  (2) : not speculative or conjectural : based on fact : objectively existent : factual, actual, reliable
   < backed by evidence which he considers hardAmerican Anthropologist >
   < a comprehensive set of hard figures emerged for the first time — Time >
   < most facts are independent of our volitions; that is why they are called hard — Bertrand Russell >
   < hard evidence that the government's optimism is not unfounded — Sydney Gruson >
  (3) : hard-and-fast
   < there can be no hard line of division between these two groups of changes — Edward Sapir >
  (4) : close, searching, concentrated
   < took a last hard look at the old homestead >
   < at a later date I will take a hard look at my political future — New York Times >
  (5) of news : not trivial, diverting, or sensational : important in its economic, political, or other large bearing
   < hard news refers to the less exciting and more analytical stories of public affairs, economics, social problems — F.L.Mott >
   — compare soft
 d. : free from sentimentality or illusions : viewing objectively or coolly : realistic, practical
  < the hard modern mind — College English >
  < the later version is harder, less “poetic” in the Romantic sense, less sentimental — Louis MacNeice >
  < the most practical place to teach hard practical thinking is in … sociology — National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin >
  < a Scotsman's hard, keen sense of the practical — R.W.Chapman >
  < notable for his hard sense, frugality, and industry >
  (1) : difficult to bear or endure : not easy to put up with or consent to : grievous, unpleasant, distressing, bad
   < you've had very hard luck >
   < the dory was … in hard shape — G.W.Brace >
   < the hard years dragged by >
   < too much reading is hard on the eyes >
   < that traffic cop gave me a hard time >
  specifically : economically depressed
   < hard times followed, and domestic creditors suffered equally with the foreign — S.E.Morison & H.S.Commager >
   < the Alaska gold rush … put an end to hard times — American Guide Series: Washington >
  (2) : oppressive, inequitable, unjust
   < musicians also find it hard that they must pay heavy duty … on orchestral instruments — Report: (Canadian) Royal Commission on National Development >
   < the hard system of apprenticeship, virtual peonage, was failing rapidly — American Guide Series: Tennessee >
  (1) : harsh or severe in one's dealings : lacking compassion or gentleness : unfeeling, callous
   < he was a stern, hard, cruel man — Anthony Trollope >
   < people who are hard, grasping, selfish — G.B.Shaw >
   < don't be too hard on the boy >
  (2) : intractable, hardened, incorrigible, tough
   < my first real assignment was as a sort of scoutmaster to a hard gang of boys — R.M.Lovett >
   < a prison warden of long standing and accustomed to dealing with hard cases >
  (3) : devoid of fine or refined feelings : impudently bold : brazen, shameless
   < a hard, cheap, frightened floozy — Arthur Knight >
  (1) : harsh, severe, or offensive in tendency or effect : unpalatable, cruel
   < this is a hard saying to people who have worked so much — Clement Attlee >
   < said some very hard things to me >
   : hostile, resentful
   < no hard feelings, I'm sure >
   : rough, coarse
   < hard and frugal fare, yet we throve upon it >
   : making no concession : strict, unrelenting
   < he drives a very hard bargain >
   < a credit to the hard religious system under which they were bred — G.M.Trevelyan >
  (2) : tending to put in a bad or sinister light : unfavorable, forbidding
   < hard stories too were told about him; something … concerning an hereditary propensity to eat men — Herman Melville >
  (3) : rigorous, inclement, violent
   < one of the hardest winters in men's memories >
   < a hard, driving rain >
   < in hard weather he stayed in his … house — Mary Webb >
  (1) : intense in force, manner, or degree : sharp, profound, deep
   < a hard spell of coughing — Ellen Glasgow >
   < dealt him a hard blow >
   < fell into a hard sleep >
   < going at a hard trot down that steep hill — Rachel Henning >
  (2) : carried on, performed, or waged with great intensity, exertion, or energy : arduous, strenuous, unremitting
   < got where he is by hard work >
   < this question requires hard thinking — W.H.Whyte >
   < with some the sell is hard, with big advertising budgets … and platoons of agents on the road — Blake Ehrlich >
  (3) : performing or carrying on an activity or one's work with great energy, intensity, or persistence
   < a hard drinker >
   < one of the hardest workers on the floor >
   < a very hard smoker — Tadhg Murphy >
  (4) : subjecting to a severe strain : intensive, punishing
   < was nearing a century of hard wear when it lost a cover — R.W.Chapman >
   < this garment will stand hard use >
  (5) : useful for a long time : durable
   < hard merchandise >
 e. : giving the impression of or suggesting hardness: as
  (1) : lacking in shading, delicacy, or subtlety : harsh, strident
   < this is for hard big tone — Warwick Braithwaite >
   < it has a hard but brilliant note — Robert Donington >
  (2) : characterized by sharp or harsh outline, rigid execution, and stiff drawing
   < exaggerated shadows to intensify crisp outlines and hard forms — Katharine Kuh >
   < a portrait in the hard but sincere and living fashion of the period — G.K.Chesterton >
  (3) : sharply defined : stark, crisp, precise
   < looking … at the hard shadows we cast on the ground — John Skölle >
   < in the early twilight the outlines of the castle loomed hard and clear >
  (4) : not softened or shaded in any way : glaring, vivid
   < hard bright sunlight at the water's edge — Oscar Handlin >
   < the light is so hard and brilliant that … you have to screw up your eyes — Thomas Wood †1950 >
   < had the hard dull flush of the steady heavy drinker — Thomas Wolfe >
   < staring at the ceiling in the hard light of the one unshaded lamp — Nevil Shute >
  (5) : sounding as in arcing and geese respectively — used of c and g or their sound
  (6) of a consonant : voiceless
  (7) : constituting a vowel before which there is no \y\ sound and no \y\-like modification of a consonant or constituting a consonant in whose articulation there is no \y\-like modification and which is not followed by a \y\ sound (as in Russian) — compare palatalize
  (8) : indicative or suggestive of severity, firmness, toughness, or insensitivity of temperament or character
   < the same faint, hard smile around the edges of her mouth — Thomas Wolfe >
   < with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner — Scott Fitzgerald >
   < a fund of English openness and good nature legible in his hard features — William Heath >
   < a hard pair of eyes that belied his unmanly, almost effeminate face — Barnaby Conrad >
   — often used in combination
   < a hard-faced businessman who knows all the latest salacious limericks — Harold Wincott >
   < a hard-eyed little man >
4. : presenting difficulties, obstacles, or perplexities: as
  (1) : difficult to accomplish, master, resolve, or acquire : not easy : troublesome, perplexing
   < this ailment is hard to cure >
   < the American habit of tipping … is a hard one to break — Richard Joseph >
   < of course all languages are hard — Bernard Bloch >
   < a hard decision >
   < she's playing hard to get >
   < a distinctly hard problem >
  (2) : difficult to comprehend or explain : obscure, dark, thorny
   < a hard saying, no doubt, … but it has its meaning — Havelock Ellis >
   < this is at first sight a very hard saying, but a little consideration will show that it is only natural — J.A.Todd >
   < a book full of long, hard words >
  (3) : difficult to untie or unravel
   < he tied his shoelaces in hard knots — Erskine Caldwell >
 b. archaic : having difficulty in doing something
 c. : attended or marked by drudgery, hardship, or other painful experience
  < many perished on the long hard march to safety >
  < fishing and lumbering … are hard trades — Upton Sinclair >
  < the birth was hard — Farley Mowat >
 difficult, arduous: hard is a general antonym for easy and is applicable to any activity requiring great exertion
  < a hard task >
  < the hard work of digging the shaft >
  < a subject hard to teach >
  < inspirations such as these do not necessarily eliminate all the hard work that goes into developing them and putting them down on paper — J.D.Cook >
  difficult may imply obstacles to be surmounted, problems to be solved, complication to be removed, simplifications to be made, or trials to be faced by skill, ingenuity, or resolution
  < to climb a mountain which, as all who have climbed it testify, is long, steep, and difficult — W.R.Inge >
  < business of a delicate and difficult nature, which might get people into trouble — Charles Dickens >
  < trying to write things that have not been written before, and that were very difficult to write — Havelock Ellis >
  < the more difficult task of changing the ways of thinking, the habits, and the practices of the Japanese people — Collier's Year Book >
  arduous may suggest need for perseverance and resolute exertion
  < the local railways … worked their arduous ways up the mining valleys — O.S.Nock >
  < the arduous task of formulating legislation necessary to the country's welfare — F.D.Roosevelt >
  < the scientific spirit, like the spirit of sanctity, can be acquired only by the arduous methodical discipline — M.R.Cohen >
Synonym: see in addition firm.

- hard up
- the hard way
II. adverb
Etymology: Middle English harde, from Old English hearde; akin to Old High German harto extremely, Old Norse hartha; derivative from the root of English hard (I)
 a. : with great or utmost effort or energy : vigorously, strenuously, earnestly
  < the men were hard at work >
  < the lumbermen lived and played hard >
  < you've been going too hard the last six months >
  < it forces one to think hard >
 b. : violently, fiercely
  < drove the muzzle hard into the gangster's face >
  < the rain came down hard >
  < the wind is blowing hard >
  (1) : to the full extent or the extreme limit — used in nautical directions especially to the helmsman
   < hard right >
   < hard alee >
   < hard aport >
  (2) : to a considerable extent : massively, largely
   < if … you wish to persevere with the present tree, cut it back hardSydney (Australia) Bulletin >
   < the strike cut production back hard >
 d. : in an immoderate manner : to an extreme degree : intensively, unremittingly
  < he is hitting the bottle hard >
 e. : in a searching, close, or concentrated manner : intently
  < looked hard at him >
  < listen hard to what I have to say >
 f. : in a sharp or emphatic manner : pointedly
  < the incident brought home to him hard his inadequate grasp of the subject >
 a. : in such a manner as to cause hardship, difficulty, or pain : harshly, severely, cruelly, badly
  < the Stamp Act and other laws which bore hard on colonial prosperity — H.E.Scudder >
  < such levies hit the poor harder than the rich — Collier's Year Book >
  < things have gone very hard with us >
 b. : with extreme rancor, bitterness, or grief : with animus or resentment of — often used with take
  < this expansion of Russia's … was taken very hard in the liberal Western world — New Republic >
  < it was his first taste of defeat … he took it hard — S.H.Adams >
 c. : austerely, frugally
  < they deserved to live hard even if it deprived them of … leisure in which to think high — F.M.Ford >
3. : tightly, firmly, fast
 < hold on hard >
4. : to the point of hardness
 < like my eggs boiled hard >
 < the river froze hard >
5. : with difficulty : laboriously
 < breathing hard after that long run >
6. : in close or immediate proximity in time or space
 < caught the fish hard in to the shore >
 < the house stood hard by the river >
 < hard on the heels of the Supreme Court decision >
 < darkness was hard at hand >
 < steamships berth hard up against the main streets — William Sansom >
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English, something that is hard, from hard, adjective
1. chiefly Britain : a firm foreshore or landing place
2. slang chiefly Britain : hard labor
 < ten years hard … for clouting some bloke — Richard Llewellyn >
3. : erection 2 — used in the phrase hard on; usually considered vulgar
IV. adjective
1. : being at once addictive and gravely detrimental to health
 < such hard drugs as heroin >
2. : resistant to biodegradation
 < hard detergents >
 < hard pesticides like DDT >
3. : being, schooled in, or using the methods of the natural sciences and especially of the physical sciences
 < a hard scientist >
4. : most unyielding or thoroughgoing
 < the hard political right >




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