释义 |
skit·tish \ˈskid.]ish, -it], ]ēsh\ adjective (sometimes -er/-est) Etymology: Middle English, from skit- (perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse skjōta to shoot) + -ish — more at shoot 1. a. : excessively lively or frivolous in nature or action : capricious, irresponsible < felt that for a minister the pastime was unduly skittish — Jean Stafford > b. : given to marked or rapid fluctuations : variable, unstable < the skittish fads of musical fashion — Winthrop Sargeant > 2. : easily frightened or agitated : given to shying : restive — used chiefly of horses 3. a. : coy, bashful, shy b. : marked by extreme caution : fearful, wary < old wooden bridges that were a nightmare for skittish drivers — Jack Westeyn > • skit·tish·ly adverb • skit·tish·ness noun -es |