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sleep·er I. \ˈslēpə(r)\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English sleper, from slepen to sleep + -er 1. : one that sleeps: as a. : one that is inclined to sleep a great deal < a great sleeper and fond of his bed — W.M.Thackeray > b. : one that is asleep < at such a distance from the sleeper that their low words could hardly disturb her — Anthony Trollope > 2. : a strong piece of wood or other material used as a support: as a. (1) : a horizontal beam placed on or near the ground to support a floor or superstructure (2) : one of the heavy strips of wood that are set in or on a concrete floor base so that a wooden floor can be nailed down over the concrete base b. : one of the knees that connect the transoms to the after timbers on a ship's quarter c. archaic : the rafter of a roof valley d. chiefly Britain : a railroad tie e. : one of the longitudinal beams in a wooden bridge on which the transverse logs or planks are laid 3. : dormouse 4. a. : a fish of the family Eleotridae b. : greenland shark 5. a. : a bet that is accidentally left standing on the layout of a gambling game b. : a bet on a dead card in faro 6. : something (as a vehicle) that provides accommodation for sleeping: as a. : sleeping car b. : a truck with a sleeping compartment 7. : one that has no apparent importance and remains unnoticed for some time before becoming very important: as a. : a racehorse that wins after a series of poor performances b. : an article of merchandise having a value that is much greater than its recognized worth c. : a book that sells well year after year without being advertised d. : a movie whose box-office returns are out of proportion to the cost of its production and publicity and far exceed the expectations of the producers e. : a piece of music that unexpectedly becomes a hit f. : a provision, clause, or amendment inconspicuously introduced into legislation in the hope that it will be adopted without consideration before its actual intent or force is recognized by potential opponents g. : a security apparently overlooked by investors and therefore selling too low in relation to the market as a whole 8. : a calf that has been earmarked but not branded 9. a. : ruddy duck b. : dowitcher 10. : a sleeping garment especially for children: as a. : pajamas often with feet b. : a sleeping bag for babies 11. : an article of merchandise that sells slowly < his unerring sense of what to buy, rarely gets stuck with sleepers — E.O.Hauser > 12. : a foal that is born comatose and usually dies within a few days of birth due to intrauterine septicemic infection with one of the organisms (Shigella equirulis or S. equuli) commonly associated with navel ill 13. : a bowling pin that cannot be seen easily because it is directly behind another pin II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to earmark (a calf) so as to give the appearance of having been branded III. noun 1. chiefly Britain : a small usually gold earring or stud worn especially in a recently pierced ear to prevent the hole from closing 2. : mole herein |