释义 |
d I. \ˈdē\ noun (plural d's or ds \ˈdēz\) Usage: often capitalized, often attributive 1. a. : the fourth letter of the English alphabet b. : an instance of this letter printed, written or otherwise represented c. : a speech counterpart of orthographic d (as d in did, raider, Edgar, or French duc) 2. : 500 — see number table 3. a. : the keynote of D major or D minor b. : the tone D 4. : a printer's type, a stamp, or some other instrument for reproducing the letter d 5. : someone or something arbitrarily or conveniently designated d especially as the fourth in order or class 6. a. : a grade assigned by a teacher or examiner rating a student's work as poor in quality < barely passed geometry with a D > b. : one graded or rated with a D < a D student > < a D movie > < the theme was a D > 7. : something having the shape of the capital letter D; specifically : a semicircle on a pool table that is about 22 inches in diameter and is used especially in snooker games II. abbreviation Usage: often capitalized 1. dam 2. dame 3. damn 4. date 5. daughter 6. day 7. deacon 8. dead 9. dean 10. deceased 11. deci- 12. deciduous 13. defeated 14. degree 15. dele; delete 16. democratic 17. demy 18. [Latin denarius; denarii] penny; pence 19. density 20. depart; departure 21. department 22. deputy 23. deserted; deserter 24. diameter 25. died 26. differential 27. dime 28. dimensional 29. dinar 30. diopter 31. director 32. discharged 33. distance 34. dividend 35. division 36. doctor 37. dog 38. dollar 39. dominus 40. dorsal 41. dose 42. double 43. dowager 44. drachma 45. driving 46. drizzling 47. duchess; duchy; duke 48. dyne III. symbol 1. capitalized Deuteronomy — used in biblical criticism to designate especially redactions of biblical material made under the editorship of Deuteronomic writers 2. capitalized deuterium 3. deuteron 4. capitalized D day < wounded in the stomach on the morning of D plus three — Laurence Critchell > 5. capitalized duodecimo |