单词 | heavy |
释义 | heavy I. 1. a. < a heavy load > b. < gold is one of the heavier metals > c. (1) of an isotope < carbon 13 and 14 are both heavy carbons > (2) of a compound < heavy ammonia > < heavy ice > 2. a. obsolete b. < suffering under the heavy exactions of this tyrant > often < a heavy sorrow > 3. < heavy news > < words heavy with meaning > 4. < a heavy silence > < heavy late frosts destroyed the crop > 5. a. < returned with heavy spirit from the conference > < today's world is heavy with so-called celebrities — J.P.Jones > : bowed down (as with care, grief, sorrow) < a light wife doth make a heavy husband — Shakespeare > b. 6. a. < a tired heavy step > < a heavy countenance > b. < a dull heavy style lacking liveliness and appeal > < a heavy writer > c. < heavy cheer > < made heavy work of the conversation > d. < the market was slow and heavy > < government bonds have been heavy for some time > 7. a. < eyes heavy from prolonged study > b. < the children were heavy with sleep > 8. a. < a heavy fall of snow > < heavy crops > < heavy traffic > b. < a heavy storm > < the heaviest sea in the last three seasons > c. < a heavy sky > < heavy clouds > d. < a heavy road > < cold heavy soils > e. < the heavy roll of thunder > < a heavy bass voice > f. < a heavy scar > < a heavy growth of timber > g. < the heavy odor of tuberoses > h. < a heavy grade > i. < a heavy task > < likely to be heavy sledding for a while > j. < a heavy drinker > < heavy losers > < industry is a heavy user of electric power > broadly < heavy buying of steel > < a heavy buyer > k. < heavy ale > l. < a heavy pump > m. < heavy hydrocarbons > < heavy ends present in gasoline > n. (1) (2) < a heavy impression > (3) o. of a domino < the 6-6 is heavier than the 6-3 > 9. a. < a heavy fruitcake > b. < heavy bread > : lacking in lightness < rich dark cakes often tend to be heavy > 10. a. < heavy woolens > < heavy trunk lines > < heavy breeds > b. < heavy industries > specifically 11. a. < heavy dragoons > b. < heavy antiaircraft emplacements > c. 12. a. < heavy rhythm > — used especially of syllables in accentual verse; contrasted with light b. < the heavy stress on the first syllable of basketball > c. of a consonant 13. < played heavy roles for years > Synonyms: < a heavy bag > < a heavy child > < a heavy volume of literary criticism > < a heavy scent of lilacs > < a heavy heart > weighty implies actually and not relatively heavy; figuratively it implies of serious import < a boy carrying weighty packages > < a weighty series of international decisions > < weighty questions about our future domestic policy > ponderous implies literally a weighty massiveness, usually difficult to maneuver, or figuratively something complicatedly labored, usually suggesting a certain slow and dull deliberateness of mental effort < a ponderous elephant > < heavy concentrations of troops and weapons for ponderous operations overland — H.H.Martin > < a sober and somewhat ponderous analysis of the police work — Anthony Boucher > < a book dealing with the necessity for world organization and the fundamentals of world law might be dull or at least ponderous reading — A.E.Stevenson †1965 > cumbrous and cumbersome imply literally a heaviness and bulkiness difficult to move, carry, or otherwise deal with; figuratively, they apply to what is ponderous and unwieldy < cumbrous old-fashioned wagons — Eddie Doherty > < one long and cumbrous sentence after another — M.W.Straight > < the camel … that lumbering and cumbersome beast — Story of Camel Hair > < the cumbersome amendment procedure of the outworn constitution — F.L.Paxson > hefty implies, literally, heaviness or solid weightiness usually as estimated by picking up in one's arms, holding in one's hand, or measuring by the eye against an imagined norm or, figuratively, weighty < a hefty rock > < a hefty burden — A.J.Bruwer > < hefty peasants — Time > < hefty but handsome in her wedding dress — W.S.Maugham > < embodying so hefty a theme in a book — Time > II. transitive verb obsolete intransitive verb III. < time hung heavy on their hands > < a heavy-laden wagon > IV. 1. heavies plural a. b. c. d. 2. a. b. c. 3. V. of a horse VI. 1. < heavy on creative ideas and light on financial plans — Susan Davis > 2. 3. < a heavy star unable to escape his groupies — Garry Wills > VII. 1. 2. |
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