单词 | sly |
释义 | sly I. 1. chiefly dialect a. < has a deal to say in his sly, dry, sententious, proverb way — Robert Burns > b. < with sly skill — Edmund Spenser > 2. a. < a sly fox > < a sly action > < a sly scheme > < by sly enticement gives his baneful cup — John Milton > < had played … many a sly trick — Lyle Saxon > < a sly way of prodding sales — Business Week > b. < he's a sly one — had it up his sleeve all the time > < a sly answer > < a sly glance > < you have been very sly, very reserved with me — Jane Austen > 3. < sly jests > < a sly wit > < churchmen, when off duty, were not averse to sly irreverences — G.F.Whicher > 4. chiefly Australia < a sly trade > < selling sly grog to the convicts — Colin Simpson > Synonyms: < the sly attack which undermines faith in our allies and among ourselves — Dean Acheson > < sly fellows to be watched — A.C.Whitehead > cunning may apply to an overreaching, circumventing, or evading often by one of low intelligence and usually by secret or devious means < he's always slipping out at night. They're cunning as the devil, these naturals — Dorothy Sayers > < looked up with a cunning smile. “A servant can always know his master's secrets if he likes” — Charles Kingsley > crafty may describe adroitness at deceptive scheme and stratagem along with chary caution < the Nazi insanity turned this mild man of conscience into a crafty plotter, collector of illegal funds, traffic manager of nocturnal convoys, distributor of forged passports — Hal Lehrman > < as truculent, as relentless in the fight, as crafty in legal subterfuge as the Erie men themselves — Matthew Josephson > tricky may indicate shifty chicanery < beneath all this glitter of chivalry lay the subtle, busy diplomatist … to all who dealt with him he was equally false and tricky — J.R.Green > < he avoided the mean and tricky: he was always an honorable foe — W.C.Ford > foxy may suggest practised, wary shrewdness < concealment of his partnership in the Ballantyne firm and the publishing of many of his works either anonymously or under varied pseudonyms reveal a strain of foxy secretiveness — Edgar Johnson > insidious may apply to carefully masked underhandedness < with the insidious undermining of respect for law and government, the vicious conception of republicanism made its appearance — V.L.Parrington > guileful and wily describe what is habitually marked by treacherous cunning or astute stratagem unctuously concealed < nor trust in the guileful heart and the murder-loving hand — William Morris > < mistaking the light for a beacon, ships were lured to the treacherous reefs, there to be boarded and looted by the wily shoremen — American Guide Series: North Carolina > artful may apply to calculating crafty deception employing the indirect or factitious < if you can keep her from drink, but you can't keep her; she's that artful she'll get it under your very eyes, without you knowing it — Samuel Butler †1902 > < as workingmen, under artful urging, began to blame the Chinese for all their wrongs — American Guide Series: California > • - on the sly II. < ready to sly out the alley door, bent double — Everybody's Magazine > III. |
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