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smear I. \ˈsmi(ə)r, -iə\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English smere, from Old English smeoru; akin to Old Saxon & Old High German smero fat, grease, lard, Old Norse smör, smjör fat, butter, Gothic smairthr fat, smarna dung, Old Irish smir, smiur marrow, Greek smyrid-, smyris powdered emery, myron unguent, perfume 1. a. (1) obsolete : a fat oily substance : ointment, grease (2) : a viscous or sticky substance b. : a spot made by or as if by an unctuous or adhesive substance : blotch, stain, smudge 2. : material smeared on a surface (as of a microscopic slide or of a culture medium); also : a preparation made by smearing material on a surface < a fecal smear > < vaginal smear > 3. : a partial glaze on pottery produced by vapor or by brushing off the greater part of an applied glaze 4. : a play of a counting card on one's partner's trick 5. : a glissando especially when produced on a trombone 6. a. : a deliberate and usually unsubstantiated charge or accusation intended to foment distrust or hatred against the person or organization so charged < pleaded calmly that those who expound unpopular doctrine be answered factually instead of by smears — Saul Carson > < attack and personal smear in the familiar manner of rumor and innuendo — Harry Conn > b. : smear word II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English smeren, smiren, from Old English smierwan, smerwan, smirwan; akin to Middle Dutch & Middle Low German smeren to grease, salve, anoint, Old High German smirwen, Old Norse smyrva, smyrja to anoint, smör, smjör fat, butter — more at smear I 1. a. (1) : to overspread with something unctuous, viscous, or adhesive : daub < the wood looked new, so he smeared it with oil and ashes — Lyle Saxon > < lived on bread smeared with lard — C.J.Rolo > (2) : to spread (a substance) over a surface < smeared 10 minims of machine oil on a condenser lens — J.A.Knight > b. : to treat (as a wound) by overspreading with a thick or greasy medication c. : to treat (as young sheep) with a salve to destroy vermin and mat the fleece 2. a. : to stain, smudge, or make dirty by or as if by smearing or rubbing : besmirch, sully < the hat … had been smeared with grease and dirt in a minor airplane accident — Henry LaCossitt > b. : to give a quality or appearance to; specifically : to vilify or blacken the reputation of by applying a debasing or odious epithet or by secretly and maliciously spreading gross charges and imputations < people … whose opinions disagree with his; and whom he has smeared by all sorts of distortions and misrepresentations — Elmer Davis > c. : to obliterate, obscure, blur, blend, or wipe out by or as if by smearing < smeared the end of his cigarette on the tray — Hamilton Basso > < smear notes on a trombone > 3. a. : to rush hard (the opposing ball carrier, passer, or kicker of a defensive football team) and throw for a loss b. : to rout, repulse, or frustrate completely : smother 4. : fatten 1b(2) 5. : to prepare as a smear for microscopic examination : to make a smear of |