

单词 snap
释义 snap
I. \ˈsnap\ verb
(snapped ; snapped ; snapping ; snaps)
Etymology: Dutch or Low German snappen, from Middle Dutch & Middle Low German, respectively; akin to Middle High German snappen to snap, stumble, sway, chatter, Old Norse snapa to snuffle, snap, and probably to Old High German snabul beak — more at neb
intransitive verb
 a. : to make a snap of the jaws : seize something with a snap of the mouth
  < an ill-conditioned cur that snaps and snarls >
  — usually used with at
  < fish snapping at the bait >
 b. : to grasp at something eagerly : make a pounce or snatch — usually used with at
  < snapped at the invitation >
  < ready to snap at any chance for improvement >
2. : to utter sharp biting words : bark out irritable or peevish retorts — often used with at
 a. : to break off or in two often with a short snapping sound : break suddenly (as under strain or tension)
  < the twig snapped >
  < the taut cable finally snapped >
 b. : to give way under stress : suddenly yield usually to the cumulative effect of some strain
  < after three days of battle his nerve snapped >
 a. : to make a sound that is a snap : give out a sharp or crackling sound or a sudden report or click
  < the fire snapped and crackled on the hearth >
  < damp clothes snapping on the line >
 b. of a firearm : to make a sharp sound by the falling of the hammer on an empty chamber or on a round that does not fire; also : misfire
5. : to move especially abruptly in a particular direction or manner usually in attaining a position of closure
 < the lid snapped down >
 < her eyes snapped shut >
 < the bolt snaps home with a click >
6. : to emit sparks or flashes (as of wit or sarcasm)
 < the conversation snapped back and forth >
also : to appear to scintillate : sparkle
 < eyes snapping with fury >
transitive verb
 a. : to seize with or as if with a snap of the jaws : grasp or snatch suddenly or unexpectedly
  < the dog snapped the meat from the table >
  < the wind snapped the scarf from her hand >
 b. : to capture or take possession of suddenly : steal by adroitness
  < ready to snap the very shoes from our feet >
2. : to secure (something) to one's own use or possession by prompt decisive action — usually used with up
 < quick to snap up a bargain >
 < a prize to be snapped up cheaply >
 < snap up his offer >
 a. : to retort to or interrupt with a snappish, cutting, or crushing remark : speak to curtly and usually irritably
  < snapped him short with a curt acknowledgement >
  < snapped them a sharp reply >
 b. : to utter (words) curtly, harshly, or abruptly
  < snapping out an answer without a moment's hesitation >
 a. : to break by snapping : break short or in two : break apart or into pieces
  < the blow snapped the bone >
  < wind snaps many branches from the trees >
 b. : to harvest (as corn or cotton) by breaking from the stem
 a. : to cause to make a snapping sound usually in the course of some action or movement
  < wind snapping the sheets on the line >
  : cause to crack
  < snap a whip >
 b. : to cause (as a handgun) to discharge by pulling the trigger
 c. : to put into or remove from a particular position or state by a sudden movement or with a snapping sound
  < snap the lock shut >
  < snapped the top from the bottle >
 d. : to make a snapping sound by moving (fingers) against one another
 a. : to project with a snap : fillip
  < snapped a spitball across the classroom >
 b. : to make, present, or do without prolonged preparation or delay
  < snap into a performance or role >
 especially : to fire (a projectile) without chance for careful aim
  < snapped a shot at the fleeing bandit >
  (1) : to catch (a cricket batsman) out sharply (as from a snicked ball) — often used with up
   < snapped up at the wicket >
  (2) : to put (a football) in play from a position on the ground with a quick continuous motion of the hands
  (1) : to take (a photograph) with a hand-held camera using an instantaneous exposure
  (2) : take a snapshot of
   < snapping the scenery >
Synonyms: see break, jerk

- snap off one's head
- snap one's fingers at
- snap out of it
II. noun
1. : an abrupt closing (as of the mouth in biting or of scissors in cutting) : the action of one that bites or bites at something : a biting or snatching with the teeth or jaws
 < the dog took a snap at a flea >
 < a snap of the scissors cut the string >
 a. obsolete : something snapped up as one's share of profits or booty
 b. : a chance to make money easily or quickly; specifically : an easy remunerative post or position
 c. : something (as a task or course of study) that is easy and presents no problems
  < it will be a snap to win the game >
  < the literature course was a snap for him >
 a. : a small amount : bit, morsel
  < cared not a snap for his mother's advice >
 b. dialect chiefly Britain : a small or hasty meal : snack; especially : a miner's lunch eaten while on shift
 a. : an act or instance of seizing abruptly : a sudden gripping or snatching at something : a quick short brisk movement
  < a snap of the fingers >
 b. : a sudden sharp tearing or breaking
  < felt the snap of the bone parting >
 a. : a sudden sharp sound made by or as if by snapping something (as together, apart, into place, off)
  < the snap of a twig >
  < shut the book with a snap >
 b. : a brief sharp and usually irritable speech or retort
  < took me up with a snap >
6. : fellow, lad
7. : a sudden interval of harsh weather
 < an unexpected cold snap >
— compare spell 3b
 a. : a catch or fastening that closes or locks with a click (as one provided with a spring or with parts that fit tightly into each other)
  < the snap of a bracelet >
  < closed the snaps on the suitcase >
 b. : a device (as a snap hook or snap fastener) having such a catch
9. : a thin brittle cookie
 < a batch of lemon snaps >
 < a new chocolate snap >
— compare gingersnap
 a. : snap shot
 b. : snapshot
 c. : snapdragon
 a. or snap tool : a tool having a usually cup-shaped depression in one end and used in forming rivetheads in riveting
 b. : snaphead
 a. : the condition of being vigorous in body, mind, or spirit : alertness, energy, go
  < a young man with plenty of snap >
 b. : a pungent pleasing quality (as of literary style) : smartness
13. : a fruit that is snapped (as from the fruiting spur): as
 a. : a whole mature cotton boll when harvested by snapping — usually used in plural
 b. : snap bean
14. : scotch snap
 a. : an act or instance of snapping a football
 b. : center 5a(1) — used chiefly in Canadian football
III. adverb
Etymology: snap (I)
: with a snapping movement or sound : with suddenness or violence : briskly
 < the sail went snap in the freshening wind >
IV. adjective
Etymology: snap (I)
 a. chiefly Scotland : quick, smart, alert
 b. : snapped up or done in a snap : secured, given, done, carried through suddenly or without due process or deliberation
  < a snap judgment >
  < such snap decisions >
 c. : called or taken without prior warning
  < repeated calling of snap votes has given the cabinet some severe scares — Atlantic >
2. : shutting, fastening, or otherwise coming together with a click or by means of a device that snaps
 < a snap lock >
 < snap closures >
 < a snap action >
3. : unusually easy or simple
 < a snap course >




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