

单词 pile
释义 pile
I. \ˈpīl, esp before pause or consonant -īəl\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, dart, pointed shaft, stake, from Old English pīl; akin to Old High German pfīl dart, arrow, stake; both from a prehistoric West Germanic word borrowed from Latin pilum heavy javelin, pestle — more at pestle
1. : a long slender member usually of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete driven into the ground to carry a vertical load, to resist a lateral force, or to resist water or earth pressure — see batter pile, bearing pile, sheet pile
2. : a wedge-shaped heraldic charge usually placed palewise with the broad end up
3. : a pointed blade of grass
 a. : a target-shooting arrowhead without cutting edges that is usually cylindrical or conoidal in shape and either pointed or blunt — called also point, tip
 b. [Latin pilum] : an ancient Roman foot soldier's heavy javelin
II. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English pilen, from pile (I)
: to drive piles into : fill, support, or strengthen with piles
III. adjective
Etymology: pile (I)
: relating to or used as a pile : formed of or supported on piles
 < a pile road >
IV. noun
Etymology: Middle English
obsolete : a small fortified tower; especially : peel
V. \ˈpīl, esp before pause or consonant -īəl\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin pila pillar, pier, mole of stone
1. obsolete : a pier of a bridge
 a. : a quantity of things heaped together or laid one on top of the other
  < a pile of dishes >
  < a small pile of clothes on a chair — Arnold Bennett >
  < a pile of wood by the fireplace >
  (1) obsolete : a series of weights fitting together and forming a solid figure usually a cone
  (2) : a heap usually of wood for burning a corpse or a sacrifice : pyre
  (3) : a stack of arms
  (4) : fagot 3
 b. : any great number or large quantity : heap, lot
  < had had a pile of troubles in his lifetime >
  < anyone who wants to teach has to take piles of their education courses — W.L.Miller >
  < piles of good things to eat, fish, meat, fowls, vegetables — Stringfellow Barr >
 a. : the lower die of an old English apparatus for striking coins by hand with a hammer — compare trussell
 b. : the reverse of a coin
4. : a large often imposing building or group of buildings
 < a Gothic pile >
 < contrast between the vast pile of the cathedral and the pigmy men in the street — H.J.Laski >
 < a great pile of houses, inhabited by a great number of people — Charles Dickens >
 a. : a great amount of money : fortune
  < one went to the city … made one's pile and married — Van Wyck Brooks >
 b. : all the money or chips a player has available for play in a particular game or at a particular juncture in a game
 a. : a vertical series of alternate disks of two dissimilar metals (as copper and zinc) with disks of cloth or paper moistened with an electrolyte between them for producing a current of electricity — called also voltaic pile, Volta's pile
 b. : a battery made up of cells similarly constructed
  < a dry pile >
7. : reactor
VI. verb
Etymology: Middle English pilen, from pile (V)
transitive verb
 a. : to lay or place in or as if in a pile : put or throw on top of a heap : stack — often used with on or up
  < sand dunes piled up by the winds — Samuel Van Valkenburg & Ellsworth Huntington >
  < her black hair cut in a straight fringe … and piled up on top of her head — Edith Sitwell >
 b. : to place (as weapons) so as to be easily available
  < outside the station we piled arms and waited — John Sommerfield >
 c. : to form a fagot of (lengths of iron)
2. : to heap in abundance : load
 < piled … the salad on her plate — Hamilton Basso >
 a. : to add to especially for an intensified effect : increase
  < I do think he piled the agony up a little too high in that last scene — Frederick Marryat >
 b. : to build or gather together : amass — usually used with up
  < piled up a wealth of information on the American Indian — Ruth Underhill >
  < forebears were early settlers … and quickly piled up fortunes — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  < hunting down and piling up quantities of knowledge — E.M.Burns >
intransitive verb
1. : to form a pile : accumulate — usually used with up
 < found the yield of this crop piling up on its hands — C.L.Jones >
 < office work which had piled up for months — D.A.Howarth >
 a. : to move or press forward in or as if in a mass : crowd
  < pushing one another … they piled out of the restaurant — Morley Callaghan >
  < our whole party piled into one … compartment — O.S.Nock >
 b. : to get in, off, or out
  < he piled quickly into bed >
3. : to thicken and accumulate (as ink on printing plates, rollers, or blankets or paint on a brush) instead of transferring or spreading properly
VII. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin pila ball — more at pile VIII
1. : a single hemorrhoid
2. piles plural : hemorrhoids; also : the condition of one affected with hemorrhoids
 < is suffering terribly from piles >
VIII. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin pilus hair; akin to Latin pilleus, pilleum, pileus felt cap, Greek pilos felt, felt cap, ball, Latin pila ball
 a. : hair; especially : a growth of short fine hair like fur : down
 b. : a thick undercoat (as of certain dogs)
 c. : a velvety surface of fine hairs on various insects; collectively : the hairs making up such a surface
2. : a mass of raised loops or tufts covering all or part of a fabric or carpet that is formed by extra warp or weft yarns during the weaving and that produces a soft even compact furry or velvety surface
3. : a quality possessed by bread when the crumb is silky in appearance and texture
 a. : yellowish red coloration on wingbows, neck, saddle, back, and flight feathers of various white domestic fowls that is a disqualification in standard breeds but characteristic of some game types
 b. : a bird colored in this manner




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