释义 |
so·cial·iza·tion \ˌsōshələ̇ˈzāshən, ˌsōshəˌlīˈ-\ noun (-s) Etymology: in sense 1, from socialism + -ization; in other senses, from socialize (sense 1) + -ation 1. : the action or process of making socialist or putting on a socialist basis : the state of being socialized < made public ownership of land the first step in socialization — Irving Brant > < the country was quite prepared for socialization of the banking structure — Accent > 2. : the process by which a human being beginning at infancy acquires the habits, beliefs, and accumulated knowledge of his society through his education and training for adult status — compare enculturation 3. : adoption (as by a juvenile court) of a sociological approach to legal procedure |