释义 |
so·ci·ol·o·gy \-ləjē, -ji\ noun (-es) Etymology: French sociologie, from socio- (from Latin socius associate, companion) + -logie -logy — more at social 1. : the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically : the systematic study of the development, structure, and function of human groups conceived as processes of interaction or as organized patterns of collective behavior 2. a. : the scientific analysis of a social institution as a functioning whole and as it relates to the rest of society < the sociology of education > < the sociology of law > < the sociology of business > b. : an analysis or exposition of the socially significant traits of a specific group, class, or social milieu < a sociology of the blind > < write a sociology of Victorian England > 3. Britain : social anthropology 4. : the study of social and behavioral interaction among lower animals (as in a flock of hens) : synecology |