释义 |
sock I. \ˈsäk\ noun (-s ; see sense 2a) Etymology: Middle English socke, sokke, from Old English socc, from Latin soccus, a low-heeled light shoe, slipper, sock; akin to Greek sykchos, a shoe, sock, Avestan haxa sole of the foot 1. archaic : a low shoe or slipper 2. a. or plural sox \-ks\ : a knitted or woven covering for the foot usually extending above the ankle and sometimes to the knee and worn inside the shoe or other footwear b. : a soft protective covering (as for the head of a golf club) resembling a sock c. : sock lining d. [by shortening] : wind sock 3. a. : a shoe worn by actors in Greek and Roman comedy b. : comedy as a literary or theatrical form : the comic stage — compare buskin 2b 4. : a receptacle for savings < in France, the money tends to disappear into the sock; here it goes into circulation — Frank Gorrell > 5. : a usually white band of foot color extending to the fetlock < a horse with three white socks > 6. : stocking 2c II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to furnish socks to : put socks on III. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English sok, sokk, from Middle French soc, from Old French — more at socket chiefly Scotland : plowshare IV. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse sökkva to cause to sink, sökkva to sink — more at sink transitive verb : to hit, strike, or apply forcefully < hailstones as big as pullet eggs were socking me on the head — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union > < I pick a good one and sock it — Babe Ruth > < socked the hot iron to the calf's side — Lewis Nordyke > intransitive verb : to deliver a blow : hit < a miracle that a person as old … could sock as hard or holler as loud as she could — J.T.Farrell > < the bull lunged forward and socked against the mattress shield that protected the horse — Barnaby Conrad > • - sock it to V. noun (-s) 1. : a vigorous or violent blow < got a sock in the belly from somebody that made him plenty sick — H.A.Sinclair > 2. : force, punch < surface-to-surface missiles will add new sock to the Army's firepower — Time > VI. adjective Etymology: sock (IV) 1. slang : having a loud or forceful quality < dazzling chorus work and sock arrangements — Douglas Watt > 2. slang : highly successful < wrote a sock first play and can't get on with a second — Time > VII. intransitive verb Etymology: probably imitative dialect England : sigh |