

单词 soldier
释义 sol·dier
I. \ˈsōljə(r), substand & dial -ōj-, chiefly Brit sometimes -ōdyə(r\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English souldiour, sodiour, soudier, from Old French souldiour, soudier, from soulde, soude pay, from Late Latin solidus, soldus solidus
 a. : a person engaged in military service: as
  (1) : an officer or enlisted man serving in an army : a member of an organized body of combatants
  (2) : an enlisted man or woman in military service as distinguished from a commissioned or warrant officer
  (3) : private 4a
 b. : a skilled, experienced, or valorous warrior
 c. : a member of the Salvation Army
2. : one that fights for a cause, endures hardships, or otherwise conducts himself gallantly : a militant leader, follower, or worker
 < soldiers in the cause of peace >
3. : any of various animals in some way (as habits, appearance) associated with soldiers: as
  (1) : hermit crab
  (2) : fiddler crab
  (1) : one of a caste of wingless sterile individuals that in most termites differ more or less from the workers in their larger size, very large head, and long jaws and that often perform a share in the work of the colonies
  (2) : one of a type of workers among some ants distinguished by exceptionally large head and jaws
  (1) dialect England : red gurnard
  (2) southern Africa : a silvery pink sparid food fish (Cheimerius nufar) widespread in the Indo-Pacific seas
  (3) : squirrelfish 1
 d. : soldier beetle
 e. : red spider
4. : red herring 1
5. soldiers plural : virginia stickseed
6. : a person who shirks his work : loafer, drone
7. : a brick that is placed on end in a wall with its narrow side exposed
II. intransitive verb
(soldiered ; soldiered ; soldiering \-(ə)riŋ\ ; soldiers)
 a. : to serve or function as a soldier
  < soldiered in three wars >
 b. : to serve satisfactorily as a soldier : behave in a soldierly manner
  < have to really soldier in such a crack outfit >
2. : to make a pretense of working while doing only enough to escape punishment or discharge : affect a pretense of busyness or working : loaf surreptitiously
 < workers soldiering on the job >
3. chiefly dialect : bully
III. noun
: button man herein




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