

单词 crack
释义 crack
I. \ˈkrak\ verb
Etymology: Middle English crakken, alteration (influenced by crak, n.) of craken, from Old English cracian; akin to Old English cearcian to creak, gnash, Old High German krahhōn to crack, Sanskrit garjati he roars, Old English cran crane — more at crane
intransitive verb
1. : to make a loud sharp sudden sound or series of such sounds (as the snap of a whip, a rifle shot) : give forth a report
 < wood cracking in a fire >
 < his high yell of laughter cracked out when he thought of something funny — Virginia D. Dawson & Betty D. Wilson >
2. : to snap asunder
 < the ropes cracked under pressure >
: open in chinks
 a. chiefly Scotland : talk, chat, gossip
 b. now dialect : to speak pompously : brag, boast
4. : to become ruined or impaired : fail: as
 a. : to lose control or effectiveness especially when working or competing under pressure
  < his reserve cracked >
  < any pitcher is liable to crack during a tight game >
  — often used with up
  < if he doesn't rest he'll crack up completely >
 b. : to fail in tone production : become discordant or harsh
  < his voice cracked >
 c. : to smash up a vehicle especially by losing control — used with up
  < he cracked up taking a curve >
  (1) : to go or travel at good speed
  (2) archaic : to proceed under or as if under full sail or steam — used with on
 b. : to move toward an objective : progress
  < get cracking >
 a. of chemical compounds : to break up into simpler compounds usually as a result of heating : undergo pyrolysis
 b. of an emulsion : break vi 7 f (2)
7. of hot syrup : to break when dropped into cold water and subjected to moderate pressure
transitive verb
1. : to break or burst: as
 a. : to break (something brittle or hollow) with a sharp or explosive sound
  < crack a nut >
 b. : to break (anything hard or brittle) so that clefts, chinks, or fissures appear on the surface
  < the fall cracked the cup across the bottom >
  < the storm broke a dozen windowpanes and cracked many others >
 a. : to utter especially suddenly and sententiously : tell strikingly
  < crack a jest >
  < crack a joke >
 b. : to cry up : extol, praise — used with up
  < the car wasn't all the dealer cracked it up to be >
  < he cracked up Whitehead to the stars — H.J.Laski >
3. : to strike with a sharp noise : slap, bang
 < crack a person over the head >
4. : to put on (as full sail, steam, speed) : clap on — used with on
 < he liked everything about this convoy: he liked its air of purpose as it cracked on speed — Nicholas Monsarrat >
5. : to break open or into: as
 a. : to open (as a bottle) and usually drink
  < crack a fifth >
 b. : to puzzle out and solve, expose, or reveal the mystery of
  < crack an enemy code >
  < crack a garbled message >
  < crack a crime syndicate wide open >
  < crack the logic of an argument >
 c. : to break into
  < crack a safe >
 specifically Britain : to break into (a house) — often used in the phrase crack a crib
 d. : to open slightly
  < crack a door >
  < crack a window >
  < crack a throttle >
  < crack a valve >
 e. : to enter or win recognition by (an exclusive profession, coterie, society)
  < it has been extremely difficult … for foreign artists … to crack the Parisian art front without going there to live — J.T.Soby >
 f. : to open (a book) for the purpose of study
  < crack a physics text >
  < several students were up … cracking the books beyond midnight — Jack Edison >
6. : violate, damage, destroy: as
 a. : to impair often irreparably : wreck, ruin
  < crack a bat >
  < crack an opponent's courage >
  — often used with up
  < crack a new car up >
 b. : to make (the voice) discordant or harsh : destroy the tone of
 c. : disorder, craze
  < worry had cracked his otherwise expansive personality >
 d. : to interrupt (as a settled usage, condition, continuity, tradition) sharply or abruptly
  < his criticism cracked our complacency >
7. : to cause to make a sharp noise
 < crack one's knuckles >
  (1) : to subject (hydrocarbon oils or gases) to cracking
  (2) : to produce by cracking — usually used in past participle
   < cracked gasoline >
 b. : to break up (chemical compounds) into simpler compounds usually by means of heat : subject to pyrolysis
 a. in contract bridge : double
 b. in poker : open
  < crack the pot >
Synonyms: see break

- crack a smile
- crack the whip
- crack wise
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English crak; akin to Old High German krach loud noise, Old English cracian, v.
 a. : a loud earsplitting roar or peal
  < a crack of thunder >
  < the crack of trumpets >
  < the crack of a cannon >
  — often used interjectionally
 b. : a sudden sharp noise : a brief intense report : bang
  < the jug hit the floor with a terrible crack >
  < the chair went over with a crack >
  < the crack of a rifle >
  — often used interjectionally
  < crack! went the whip >
 c. : the breaking or broken tone of the voice (as when changed at puberty)
 a. now dialect Britain : boasting or an instance of boasting
 b. chiefly dialect Britain
  (1) : talk, conversation, gossip
  (2) : tale, story, joke
  (3) cracks plural : news
 c. : a sharp, cutting, or sarcastically witty remark : quip
  < Washington was not famous for saying funny things but sometimes he got off a crack that was widely appreciated — Roger Butterfield >
 a. : a narrow break or thin slit (as in or across a surface) sometimes caused by incomplete joining, drying, or setting, by strain or decay, or by a blow or fall not sufficiently violent to cause a complete break : fissure
  < a windowpane full of cracks >
  < trip over a crack in the ice >
 b. : a narrow opening
  < you can leave the outer door open a crack so you can hear if anyone comes — John Steinbeck >
 c. : an open crosswise streak in woven fabrics
 a. : a weakness or flaw caused by decay, age, or deficiency : unsoundness
  < a crack in a person's mind >
  < little rifts and cracks … in the whole bland, ecclesiastical facade of Victorian England — C.D.Lewis >
 b. : a crazy or erratic person : crackpot
  < the cracks who … interest themselves … in every sensational murder case — D.L.Champion >
5. obsolete : a roguish boy : wag
6. slang Britain : a thing or person of superior excellence or ability
 < Australia sent a couple of cracks to defend the trophy >
7. archaic : prostitute
8. : moment, instant
 < I'll be there in a crack >
 < at the crack of dawn >
 a. archaic : burglar
 b. : housebreaking, burglary
  < a successful crack >
10. : a sharp resounding blow
 < a crack on the head >
11. : a single effort or attempt
 < get rid of a job at one crack >
 < he said he didn't know how to swim but would take a crack at it >
12. : the stage at which syrup from boiling sugar breaks with a snap when chilled by being dripped from a spoon or dropped into water
13. : a poultry egg with a noticeably cracked shell but with unbroken membrane — contrasted with check
 fissure, crevice, chink, cleft, cranny: crack is likely to indicate a line of breaking or splitting in a continuing surface with or without perceptible separation into an opening that resembles a slit
  < a crack in a pane of glass >
  < cracks in the parched mud >
  fissure usually indicates a narrow opening of some depth as a result of some rending or breaking force
  < a fissure in the stone floor, like a crack in china, which was plastered up with clay — Willa Cather >
  crevice indicates an opening like a fissure but less strongly suggests forceful recent cleavage and may lend itself to use in situations involving accumulation, deposit, growth, or concealment within
  < the cross formed by snow in the crevices of the rock >
  < intolerance can always find some crevice in the administration of the law — Zechariah Chafee >
  chink suggests a space or hole, often a slit, permitting one to see through or to utilize in escape, evasion, or deft attack
  < I felt as if I had slipped through some chink in the veil of the past and become a medieval student — John Buchan >
  < Republicans … had independently been studying the Truman armor for new chinksAtlantic >
  cleft suggests a V-shaped indention, as though made with a splitting wedge, in some formation
  < Dover, an English seaport … occupies a wide cleft in the chalk hills formed by the valley of the river Don — Chambers's Encyc. >
  cranny suggests a slit, niche, or recess, often one in a wall or enclosed structure and often small and easy to overlook
  < they explored every nook and cranny of the West, seeking out passes through mountain barriers — R.A.Billington >
Synonym: see in addition joke.
III. adjective
Etymology: crack (II) (something excellent)
: of superior excellence or ability
 < a crack ship >
 < a crack tennis player >
 < a crack regiment >
 < crack maintenance and cargo specialists — B.M.Bowie >
IV. noun
Usage: often attributive
: a purified potent form of cocaine that is obtained by treating cocaine hydrochloride with sodium bicarbonate to create small chips used illicitly usually for smoking
 < crack cocaine >




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