

单词 hispanic
释义 his·pan·ic
I. \(ˈ)hi|spanik, -nēk\ adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Latin Hispanicus, from Hispania Spain, Iberian peninsula + Latin -icus -ic
: relating to or derived from the people, speech, or culture of Spain or of Spain and Portugal; often : latin-american
 < the folklore of Hispanic groups >
hispanic-american \“+\ adjective, usually capitalized H&A
II. adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
: of, relating to, or being a person of Latin-American descent living in the United States and especially one of Cuban, Mexican, or Puerto Rican origin
III. \(ˈ)hi¦spanik\ noun
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: hispanic, adjective
: an American of Spanish or especially Latin-American descent




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