释义 |
sort I. \ˈsȯ(ə)r]t, -ȯ(ə)], usu ]d.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French sorte, probably from Medieval Latin & Late Latin; Medieval Latin sort-, sors sort, kind, from Late Latin, way, manner, from Latin, lot, decision by lot, chance, fortune; perhaps akin to Latin serere to bind together, join — more at series 1. : a group or kind established or set up permanently or temporarily on the basis of any characteristic in common < a strange sort of people > — sometimes used as a zero plural with a preceding these or those and a following of < those sort of men > 2. a. : a number of things used or adapted to be used together : set, suit b. archaic : group, crowd, flock 3. a. : a method or manner of acting : way, fashion, manner b. : character, quality, disposition, nature < people of an evil sort > also : individual, thing < he is really not a bad sort at all > 4. a. : letter or character that is one element of a font b. : a character or piece of type (as a symbol, piece fraction, or space) that is not part of a regular font c. : a matrix that is not stored in a keyboard-controlled channel of a slugcasting machine and must be hand-inserted when used; also : a character cast or made from such a matrix 5. sorts plural a. : a grade of a natural resin (as a copal) characterized by largish pieces sorted usually by color b. : ungraded gum (as gum arabic) of various sizes Synonyms: see type • - after a sort - of sorts - out of sorts II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English sorten, from sort, n. transitive verb 1. obsolete : to select as of a certain sort : choose; also : to distinguish between 2. obsolete : to assign by or as if by lot : allot 3. a. : to put in a given place or rank according to kind, class, or nature < sort mail > : arrange according to characteristics : classify — often used with out < sort out colors > b. : to separate (a particular thing) from a mass < sort out a defective tool > < quickly sort out some of the riddles resulting from repressed guilt — R.L.Jenkins > 4. chiefly Scotland : to furnish provision for; especially : to feed and bed down (an animal) 5. chiefly Scotland a. : to put to rights : put in order b. : to put to rights morally by punishing or scolding intransitive verb 1. : to join or associate with others especially of the same kind — used with with < sort with thieves > 2. obsolete : to divine by or as if by lot : soothsay; also : turn out 3. archaic : suit, harmonize, agree — used with with III. noun : an instance of sorting < an alpha sort > |