

单词 history
释义 his·to·ry
I. \ˈhist(ə)rē, -ri\ noun
Etymology: Latin historia, from Greek historia inquiry, information, narrative, history, from historein to inquire into, examine, relate (from histor-, histōr judge) + -ia -y; akin to Greek idein to see — more at wit
1. : a narrative of events connected with a real or imaginary object, person, or career : tale, story; especially : such a narrative devoted to the exposition of the natural unfolding and interdependence of the events treated
 < carefully recording the history of our vacation for father >
 < a history of passion, greed, and retribution >
 a. : a systematic written account comprising a chronological record of events (as affecting a city, state, nation, institution, science, or art) and usually including a philosophical explanation of the cause and origin of such events — usually distinguished from annals and chronicle
 b. : a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena (as of geography, animals, or plants)
  < an illustrated history of British birds >
 c. : an account of a sick person's family and personal background, his past health, and present illness
3. : a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events as steps in the sequence of human activities : the study of the character and significance of events — usually used with a qualifying adjective
 < medieval history >
 < European history >
4. [Middle French histoire story, history, picture, from Latin historia]
  (1) obsolete : a pictorial representation of an historical subject
  (2) or history painting : painting especially popular in the 17th and 18th centuries in which a complex of figures conveys a story or message usually based on history or legend
  (1) obsolete : drama 1
  (2) : a drama based on historical events
 a. : the events that form the subject matter of a history : a series of events clustering about some center of interest (as a nation, a department of culture, a natural epoch or evolution, a living being or a species) upon the character and significance of which these events cast light
 b. : the character and significance of such a center of interest — compare life history
 c. broadly : past events
  < that's all history now >
 especially : those events involving or concerned with mankind
 d. : previous treatment, handling, or experience (as of a metal)
  < the results of heat treating will depend in part on the previous history of the specimen >
  < thermal history may modify photoelectric reactivity of certain compounds >
  < there was a history of repeated exposure to near-freezing temperature that might explain the mutation >
II. transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English historien, from Middle French historier, from Late Latin & Medieval Latin historiare — more at historiated
1. obsolete : narrate, recount
2. obsolete : to decorate with an historical record or scenes from history
III. noun
1. : an established record
 < a prisoner with a history of violence >
2. : one that is finished or done for : one consigned or belonging to the past
 < the winning streak was history >
 < you're history >




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