

单词 sovereign
释义 sov·er·eign
I. \ˈsäv(ə)rən, -vərn sometimes ˈsəv-\ noun
also sov·ran \ˈsävrən\
Etymology: sovereign alteration (influenced by reign) (I) of Middle English soverein, soverain, from Old French soverain, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin superanus, from Latin super over, above + -anus -an; sovran alteration (influenced by Italian sovrano sovereign, from Old Italian, from Old French soverain) of sovereign — more at super-
  (1) : the supreme repository of power in a political state
   < the sovereign … is not himself bound by the law since the law is what he declares it to be — J.H.Hallowell >
  (2) : the person wielding or exercising supreme political power in a political state — compare dictator, monarch, ruler
  (3) : a political unit possessing or held to possess sovereignty
   < a controversy between two sovereigns … the United States on the one hand and the state of California on the other — U.S. Code >
 b. : one that exercises supreme authority within a limited sphere : chief, master
 c. : an acknowledged leader : arbiter, superior
  < cupid … the anointed sovereign of sighs and groans — Shakespeare >
  < the true sovereigns of a country are those who determine … its modes of thinking — Van Wyck Brooks >
  < the rose, sovereign among flowers >
 a. : a gold coin of Great Britain worth 1 pound sterling or 20 shillings, issued from Henry VII to James I and as a coin having 123.274 grains of gold .9166 fine from George III
 b. : a gold coin of Saudi Arabia equivalent to 40 riyals
II. adjective
also sovran \“\
Etymology: sovereign alteration (influenced by reign) (I) of Middle English soverein, soverain, from Middle French sovrain, from Old French, from sovrain, n., sovereign; sovran alteration (influenced by Italian sovrano) of sovereign
 a. : possessed of controlling power : ruling, predominant
  < the king could not be sovereign if there were any immunities … outside his jurisdiction — Christopher Morris >
  < in the case of Palestine, the United Nations, for a brief period of history, was able to act as a sovereign agent — A.S.Eban >
 b. : unlimited in extent : absolute
  < the sovereign power of the pope over all forms of secular authority — G.H.Sabine >
 c. : enjoying autonomy : independent, self-governing
  < a sovereign state >
  < a move to unify command of the separate and sovereign armed services >
  < the right of each individual to be a sovereign personality — Geoffrey Bruun >
 a. : of the most exalted kind : supreme
  < in … literary style the sovereign virtue for the judge is clearness — B.N.Cardozo >
  < promote … the sovereign good of the community — George Grote >
 b. : superlative in quality : excellent, unsurpassed
  < their sovereign sense of humor, never minding the joke that is turned against themselves — Sir Winston Churchill >
  < the veneration and respect due a sovereign creative genius — Roland Gelatt >
  (1) : having generalized curative powers : potent
   < diphtheria antitoxin is a specific and sovereign remedy when given in sufficient amounts during the first 24 hours — K.F.Maxcy >
  (2) : having universally beneficial application : effective
   < special facets of past human culture remain potentially sovereign for our current ills — H.H.Watts >
 d. : of an unqualified nature : unmitigated, utter
  < kissed the feet of their conquerors, but in sovereign contempt — Vincent Sheean >
 e. : having undisputed ascendancy : leading, paramount
  < in recasting the … old theology, Calvin accepted as a sovereign conception the idea of God as arbitrary and absolute will — V.L.Parrington >
3. : of, relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a sovereign : royal, unrestricted
 < a sovereign right >
 < sovereign equality >
Synonyms: see dominant, free




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