

单词 hold
释义 hold
I. \ˈhōld dial sometimes -lt\ verb
(held \ˈheld\ ; or dialect past hilt \ˈhilt\ ; held or archaic hold·en \ˈhōldən\ ; holding ; holds \ˈhōl(d)z\)
Etymology: Middle English holden, from Old English healdan, haldan; akin to Old High German haltan to hold, Old Norse halda, Gothic haldan to tend cattle, Latin celer rapid, Greek kellein to run a ship to land, Sanskrit kālayati he drives, holds, carries
transitive verb
 a. : to retain in one's keeping : maintain possession of : not give up or relinquish : possess, have
  < held property worth millions >
  < hold several slaves as household servants >
  < holds the title to the property >
  < holds the power to hire or fire at will >
 b. : to retain or occupy by force : defend and not retreat from
  < the soldiers held the bridge against all attacks >
 c. : to keep control of or authority or jurisdiction over
  < wished to hold the territory because of the fur trade >
 d. : to have power over : affect strongly and unremittingly
  < a pleasurable excitement held him — D.G.Gerahty >
  < invalidism held him for eight years — J.C.Archer >
 e. : to have possession of the privileges, benefits, or perquisites of
  < holds the eastern seaboard under an authorization granted by the manufacturer of the goods >
 f. : to use or keep as a threat or as a means of gaining advantage
2. : to impose restraint upon or limit in motion or action
 < the bushing held the drive shaft so that it had no play whatsoever >
 a. : to refrain from producing (as speech or noise)
  < hold your talk, man >
  (1) : to keep back : not loose : not let go
   < hold the dogs so the strangers can pass >
  (2) : stay, arrest
   < hold him with a glance >
   < a strange compunction held his hand as he raised it to strike >
   < tried to hold him from an action he would always regret >
  (3) : delay
   < held the curtain for an hour until the arrival of the royal carriage at the theater >
  (4) : to stop the action of usually temporarily
   < time must be allowed … for holding the press while waiting for the sheet to dry — F.W.Hoch >
  (1) : to keep from advancing or succeeding in attack
   < were able to hold the enemy >
  (2) : to keep (as an opposing team) from gaining an advantage
   < the weaker team held the stronger during the first half >
 d. : to restrict or limit (as in amount of variation, advance, gain, loss) by acting to control or oppose
  < held the sound to one level of loudness >
  < held the army to only a few miles' gain >
  < held the opposing team to only two runs >
 e. : to bind legally or morally : constrain
  < hold a man to his word >
  — often used with an adjective complement
  < hold a man responsible for his actions >
  < hold the men accountable for all money spent >
 f. Scotland : to oppress by affliction : keep down : hold down
 g. : detain
  < held him in conversation for ten minutes before letting him go >
 h. : restrict, limit
  < bouts have been held to three 1 1/2-minute rounds — Barrett McGurn >
 i. : to tense muscles in order to brace (oneself)
  < had to hold himself against the swaying and bumping of the coach >
 j. : to keep (a herd of cattle) together in a unit
  < out holding the herd while the rest were eating >
3. obsolete : to abide by (as a promise) or keep inviolate (as a faith)
 a. : to have or keep in the grasp
  < hold a child's hand >
  < hold a pocketbook tightly >
  < this volume is a joy to hold as well as to read — J.M.Chase >
  (1) : to keep as if in a grasp : cause to be or remain in a particular situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or of a particular quality
   < hold a person in suspense >
   < hold an emotion under rigid control >
   < hold a ladder steady >
   < hold a child in check >
   < hold himself in readiness >
   < the stern demands of necessity held men in their grip — V.L.Parrington >
   < the searchlight … caught and held them in its glare — Nevil Shute >
  (2) : to place and usually not allow to move
   < hold a pad of gauze to a wound >
   < hold your hand against my cheek >
   : fix
   < held his eyes steadily on the picture >
  (1) : support, sustain
   < the building was held by concrete underpinning >
   < roof will hold a deadweight of 94 inches of snow — Monsanto Magazine >
   < holds his seventy-two years easily >
  (2) : to keep (as a bank of dirt) from eroding, collapsing, or washing away
   < pines and other hardy trees were planted to hold the sand — George Farwell >
  (1) : retain
   < struggling to hold, or to capture, the allegiance of the British people — F.A.Ogg & Harold Zink >
   < the parents still hold the children's affection >
   < the suit holds its press well >
   < a plastic that will hold any shape you press it into >
   : to retain by not vomiting
   < unable to take a bite of food or hold it on his stomach when it was forced upon him — F.B.Gipson >
   : retain by not discharging
   < the metal held the electrical charge for a long time >
  (2) : to keep in custody : keep as a prisoner
   < the cops agreed that the death was accidental, and did not hold him — Time >
  (1) : to have in one's keeping : store
   < another consideration was the cost of storing type — we certainly could not afford to hold it forever — B.L.Stratton >
   : keep on file or record
   < the title is held at the registry of deeds >
  (2) : reserve
   < called the hotel and asked them to hold a room for him >
   < held a few seats in case some visiting celebrities turned up >
 f. : bear, carry, comport
  < something unbending and strong, peasantlike, in the way he holds himself — Madaleine Chapsal >
  (1) : to maintain in being or action : keep up without interruption, diminution, or flagging : sustain, preserve
   < hold one's course due north >
   < hold silence >
  (2) : to maintain in a given condition (as of temperature, pressure, or humidity) or stage of processing
  (3) : to maintain a given condition in
  (4) : to maintain the articulation of (a speech sound) or the production of (as a note in music)
   < the vowel in feet is not held as long as the vowel in feed >
 h. : to keep the uninterrupted interest, attention, or devotion of : keep from other interests, attractions, or places
  < the play held the audience for over three hours >
  < a community that … holds young people and offers inducements to them to stay and help build a greater hometown — J.C.Penney >
  < newspaper editing did not hold him long — A.H.Meneely >
  < wants to hold her husband while resisting his domination — H.M.Parshley >
 i. : to keep (as a letter or package) from being delivered usually temporarily
  < asked the post office to hold his mail until he returned >
 j. : to cover (the ears) so as to prevent hearing
  < when I spoke she held her ears — Eudora Welty >
 k. : to constitute or provide adequate satisfaction for
  < enough food to hold him for a week >
  < had had enough of high causes and noble sacrifice to hold them for a long time — F.L.Allen >
  (1) : not to veer or alter from
   < the car held 70 miles an hour for 20 miles >
   < prices had held the same level for a month >
   < had trouble holding his course >
  (2) : to be free of marked bouncing, swerving, or skidding on
   < a car that holds the road well at any speed >
 m. : to make an exhibition of or call persistently to one's consciousness
  < trying to entertain his audience by holding his betters to ridicule >
 n. : to fix on and not turn away from
  < for a few minutes the flashlight held the canoe, then lost it — Erle Stanley Gardner >
  (1) : to receive and retain
   < the can holds gasoline >
   : have within : contain
   < the cemetery which held the bodies of his family for seven generations back >
   < the room held only Victorian furniture >
   < the envelope which held his ticket — J.P.Marquand >
  (2) : to have or retain within its limits as if in a container
   < throw into a word every trace of meaning it can hold — C.S.Kilby >
   < the cast held some noted singers >
   < could hold large quantities of verse in his mind without effort >
  (3) : to keep within moderate bounds the characteristic intoxicating effects of (an alcoholic liquor)
   < drank heavily but held it well >
  (1) : to be able or designed to receive and retain or contain
   < a special container to hold flammable liquids >
   < the basket that held outgoing mail was empty >
  (2) : accommodate
   < the hotel could hold over 300 guests >
   < sleeping platforms ran the length of the side walls in two tiers, holding eight men — Meridel Le Sueur >
 c. : to be marked or characterized by as an essential feature
  < the volume held an historical rather than a literary interest >
  < its steeply pitched gable roof holds one dormer — American Guide Series: Maryland >
  < a scene that held many fond memories for him >
  < the famous hymn of creation … holds an awesome vastness of mood — Emma Hawkridge >
 d. : to provide or have in reserve as a reward
  < the story holds a happy ending for everybody >
  < the tournament holds a nice prize for the winner >
  < would like to know what the future holds >
 a. : harbor, experience
  < hold a feeling >
  < a nation for whom we all hold a good deal of admiration >
  < holds no sympathy for criminals >
 b. : accept
  < hold a point of view >
  : believe
  < hold a theory >
  < hold opposing opinions >
  : subscribe to
  < the aesthetic philosophy we happen to hold — C.I.Glicksberg >
  (1) : consider, regard, think, judge
   < held that the action was dishonest >
   < held calculus to be too difficult for that age group >
   < held by many to be the greatest contemporary tennis player >
   < the expression of those truths held to be self-evident — F.B.Millett >
  (2) : to decide in a judicial ruling
   < the court held that the man was sane >
  (3) : esteem, value
   < the story is that he held it so lightly that he lost the land on one turn of the cards — American Guide Series: North Carolina >
 d. : to have or maintain in judgment or regard
  < hold someone in contempt >
  < hold a parent in honor >
 a. : to engage in with someone else or with others : do by concerted action
  < the student body held games in the afternoon >
 b. : convoke, convene
  < the king held an assembly of all his courtiers >
  < the second court session was held in the afternoon >
  : arrange for and have in a united action
  < the company held a feast to celebrate victory >
  : schedule and assemble or meet
  < some classes were held in the evening >
 a. : to be or stand in (as a relative position)
  < holds second place in the city golf tournament >
  < urban redevelopment continues to hold an important place in planning programs — Collier's Year Book >
 b. : to have earned or been appointed, promoted, or elected to and now occupy (as an office)
  < holds a captaincy in the navy >
  < holds a secretaryship in the club >
  < held the presidency for two terms >
 c. : to have earned or been awarded (as an academic degree)
  < holds an M.D. from one of the best medical schools >
  < holds a German Ph.D. >
  < holds a medal of honor >
9. now dialect Britain : bet, wager
 a. obsolete : to handle so as to guide or manage (as reins or a gun)
 b. : point, aim, direct — used with on
  < held a gun on the grocer while an accomplice robbed the till >
11. obsolete : to endure or bear up under (as rough handling or invidious comparison)
intransitive verb
 a. : to maintain position : not retreat : remain unconquered or unsubdued
  < the troops held in the face of repeated attacks >
  (1) : to continue or remain especially as is or of the same kind or quality : last
   < winter held until the middle of March >
   < his anger held for several days >
   < the output of copper held at the level of the year before >
   < hoping that the good weather would hold >
   : not change or alter
   < we can go if the present circumstances hold >
   < our luck held and we won >
   < the habit of a lifetime held — John Buchan >
   — often used with up
   < the good weather held up for several days >
  (2) : to endure a test or trial
   < their courage held against all odds >
   — often used with up
   < if his interest holds up >
 a. : to maintain a grasp on or a connection with something : remain fastened to something (as by a strap) : keep hold
  < the anchor held in the rough sea >
  : not slip : not lose a grip : cling
  < felt his rubber soles grip and hold >
 b. of a female mammal : to hold to service : conceive
3. : to derive right or title (as to the possession of lands or as land to be held) — usually used with of or from
 < held of the crown by an outright gift >
4. : to bear or carry oneself
 < a man who held aloof from strangers >
 < asked the boy to hold still >
5. : to be or remain valid : apply
 < the rule holds only in special cases >
: prove consistent or acceptable to reason or logic
 < the theory does not hold under analysis >
6. : to go ahead : continue as one has been going
 < the travelers held on their way >
 < held south for several miles >
: not veer or fluctuate in progress or forward movement
 < the plane held steadily on its course by automatic control >
7. : to restrain or withhold oneself : cease or forbear an intended or threatened action : halt, stop, pause
 < wished that he might hold a while and stop his incessant chatter >
8. : to take place
 < went … to the place where the funeral service was holding — John Bennett >
 < annual show and sale of highland ponies holds on Monday — Scotsman >
9. : to pause in archery between drawing and loosing an arrow
10. : to hold copy (as in proofreading)
Synonyms: see contain, have, keep

- hold a brief
- hold a brief for
- hold a candle to
- hold a close wind
- hold book
- hold bottom
- hold by
- hold copy
- hold court
- hold down a claim
- hold everything
- hold fire
- hold good
- hold hands
- hold in demesne
- hold one's breath
- hold one's ground
- hold one's horses
- hold one's own
- hold one's peace
- hold one's tongue
- hold tack with
- hold the bag
- hold the boards
- hold the field
- hold the fort
- hold the line
- hold the market
- hold the stage
- hold the wind
- hold to
- hold to account
- hold to service
- hold true
- hold up one's head
- hold water
- hold with
II. \ˈhōld, dial often -lt\ noun
Etymology: Middle English hold, holde hold, possession, land that is held, property, from Old English heald, hald protection, keeping, from healdan, haldan to hold
 a. : a place of temporary shelter or refuge; also : a lair or a lurking place (as of a fish)
 b. : stronghold
 a. : confinement, custody
 b. : a place of confining : prison
  (1) : the act or the manner of holding or grasping (as in the hands or arms)
   < released his hold on the man's arm >
   < has a strong hold for a small man >
   : grasp
   < took a firm hold on the club >
   : clasp, grip
   < in his arms his hold was tight and reassuring >
   — often used idiomatically without an article as object of catch, get, have, seize, take
   < got hold of the oar and was pulled out of the water >
   < seized hold as the rope brushed his fingers >
   < held out a hand and waited until the child took hold >
   < took hold of the knob and opened the door >
   < the boy's sneakers suddenly took hold and stopped him from sliding off the roof >
   < saw that the climber had hold of the rope before he began to haul on it >
  (2) : a manner of grasping an opponent in wrestling
   < knee holds and body presses >
  (1) : a nonphysical bond, grip, or clasp which attaches, restrains, or constrains or by or through which something is affected, controlled, dominated, or possessed — often used with on, upon, or over
   < afraid they might lose their hold on the domestic market — Sydney (Australia) Bulletin >
   < yet the hold of the public school upon the middle-class mind has not weakened — Roy Lewis & Angus Maude >
   < the father had a strong hold over his children >
   and often used idiomatically without an article as object of catch, get, have, seize, take
   < the newspapers got hold of the story >
   < after a moment of panic he got hold of himself >
   < seized hold and stepped up production 50 percent >
   < in the confusion of contradictory ideas we did not know what philosophy he had hold of >
  (2) : an action, expedient, or device for achieving an end
   < arguing that in … politics no holds are barred — New Republic >
 c. : conscious grasp : full comprehension — used with on or upon
  < at the point of sleep one loses his hold on the real world >
  < how weak was his hold upon character — Roger Fry >
4. : something that may be grasped as a support
 < climbed up the rock using some ledges and jutting pieces as holds >
5. : a pause between the completion of the draw and the release of the arrow in archery
 a. : fermata
 b. : a rhythmic lengthening of a word or syllable or a symbol used to indicate this
 c. : the time between the onset and the release of a vocal articulation
7. : a sudden motionless posture at the end of a dance or dance phrase
 a. : an order or indication that something is to be reserved
  < put a hold on all the hotel rooms still unoccupied >
 b. : an order or indication that some action is to be delayed
  < announced a hold on all takeoffs until the weather cleared >
 c. : a notation on a depositor's account to indicate that the balance or a portion thereof should not be paid out
 d. : a recommendation indicating that a stock has long-term and fundamental values but is not considered a desirable present purchase for near-term appreciation
III. noun
Etymology: from (assumed) Middle English hold, alteration (probably influenced by Middle English hold) (II) of Middle English hole (I)
 a. : the interior of a ship below decks; especially : the cargo deck of a ship
 b. : the interior of a plane; especially : the cargo compartment of a plane
 a. : a division of the interior especially the cargo deck of a ship
 b. : a division of the interior of a plane especially for cargo
IV. noun
Etymology: Old English, from Old Norse hölthr free landowner, man; akin to Old English hæle, hæleth man, hero, Old Saxon helith man, hero, Old Norse halr man, and perhaps to Sanskrit kalya healthy — more at calli-
: an officer of high rank in the Danelaw corresponding to the high reeve of the Anglo-Saxons
V. noun
: a delay in a countdown (as in launching a missile)

- on hold




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