释义 |
holding I. noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English holdyng, gerund of holden to hold 1. : the act of one that holds or takes hold : hold, grip, clasp 2. : something that is held: as a. : land held especially by a vassal of a superior : tenement < small holdings of less than 5 acres — Americana Annual > b. : an actual judgment or ruling of a court upon any issue of law raised in a case : the actual final decision of a court on the particular facts of a given case as distinguished from the dictum < difficult to find a recent … enactment that equals in impact and scope this judicial holding — J.P.Roche & M.M.Gordon > c. : any property that is owned or possessed — usually used in plural < record-breaking frozen fish holdings totaled 179 million pounds — Americana Annual > < the holdings of American libraries — Current Biography > 3. : something that holds : a means of holding : attachment, connection 4. : personal contact especially with the hands or arms that retards or interferes with the movement of an opponent in some sports (as basketball, football, soccer) 5. : a company or enterprise owned or controlled by a holding company II. adjective Etymology: Middle English holdyng, present participle of holden to hold 1. : effecting a delay : being a hindrance or interference < a holding action to prevent the passage of more drastic control legislation — E.P.Hutchinson > 2. : designed for usually temporary storage or retention < a holding refrigerator at a railhead > < a holding pen for the horses > < shunted the cars onto the holding track > |