释义 |
ho·li·ness I. \ˈhōlēnə̇s, -lin-\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English holynesse, from Old English hālignes, from hālig holy + -nes -ness — more at holy 1. : the quality or state of being holy : sanctity, saintliness < the holiness of the saints > < the holiness of the consecrated place > — often used as a title for various high religious dignitaries < His Holiness Pope Pius XII > < His Holiness the Dalai Lama > 2. : a state of moral and spiritual perfection : complete sanctification : sinlessness; specifically : a state of sinlessness that according to some small religious groups is bestowed as a blessing on a Christian believer following conversion and is often a prerequisite of salvation II. adjective Usage: often capitalized : emphasizing a perfectionist doctrine of holiness as a prerequisite of salvation < the group was Arminian, Pentecostal, and Holiness > |