

单词 dangerous
释义 dan·ger·ous
\ˈdānj(ə)rəs\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English daungerous haughty, trouble-making, hard to please, from Old French dangereus trouble-making, hard to please, from dangier + -eus -ous
1. : exposing to danger : involving risk : demanding caution or care as extremely unsafe : hazardous, perilous
 < a little learning is a dangerous thing — Alexander Pope >
 < a dangerous climb >
 < dangerous occupations >
 < a dangerous crossing >
2. : able or likely to inflict injury : causing or threatening harm
 < a dangerous lunatic >
 < an animal dangerous when wounded >
3. now dialect : gravely ill : in critical condition
 < he's in bed but he's not dangerous >
 hazardous, precarious, perilous, risky: dangerous applies to persons or things to be avoided or treated carefully as generally unsafe and likely to cause or be attended by danger
  < a wide circuit must be made, to avoid a fierce and dangerous tribe called Snake Indians — Francis Parkman >
  < the most dangerous waters in the world, the fog-shrouded, berg-haunted Grand Banks, with their swift currents and steep, short seas — American Guide Series: Massachusetts >
  hazardous may imply greater operation of chance than dangerous; it is used in reference to situations involving great or continuous risk
  < life consists largely of hazardous leaps in the dark — M.R.Cohen >
  < the hazardous game of secret service in enemy country — Alexander Forbes >
  Established with the meaning of insecure or uncertain, precarious often adds the implication of attendant dangers
  < the unorganised mass of London dock laborers who struggled with each other for precarious jobs at the dockyard gates — G.M.Trevelyan >
  < the British army, its communications thus rendered precarious, was forced to retreat — Allan Nevins & H.S.Commager >
  perilous suggests imminent danger
  < thousands of ships and planes guarding the long, perilous sea lanes — F.D.Roosevelt >
  < burglars who have done a good … business are, as a rule, only too glad to enjoy the proceeds in peace and quiet without embarking on another perilous undertaking — A. Conan Doyle >
  risky often joins to this suggestion the notion that the danger or risk has been realized in advance and willingly accepted
  < the control of our universities by propertied interests makes a free and radical inquiry into social affairs a risky business for any professor — M.R.Cohen >
  < so risky was travel that the Indiana legislature specifically permitted travelers to carry concealed weapons of any kind — Carl Sandburg >




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