释义 |
ho·ly I. \ˈhōlē, -li\ adjective (-er/-est) Etymology: Middle English holy, hooly, haly, from Old English hālig; akin to Old High German heilag holy, Old Norse heilagr, Gothic hailags, Old English hāl whole — more at whole 1. a. : set apart and dedicated to the service or worship of God or a god : hallowed, sacred < holy vessels > < the holy priesthood > b. : dedicated to or laying claim to being dedicated to a sacred or selfless purpose < gave money to various holy causes > 2. a. (1) : perfect in righteousness and divine love : infinitely good : worthy of complete devotion and trust : commanding one's fullest powers of adoration and reverence < the holy Lord God Almighty > (2) : of or befitting something that is perfect or worthy in his way < a smile of holy sweetness — George Meredith > b. : spiritually whole, sound, or perfect : of unimpaired innocence or proved virtue : pure in heart : godly, pious — often used in mild oaths < my holy aunt > 3. a. : venerated because of association with someone or something holy < holy relics > < the holy cross > b. of a saint or saintly person : worthy of veneration < holy martyrs > c. : to be treated with veneration or the utmost respect < to him every action of the campaign was holy > d. : being awesome, frightening, or beyond belief < the child was a holy terror > < so frightened he had the holy horrors > 4. : not capable of being approached with impunity : filled with mysterious, superhuman, and potentially fatal power : dangerously powerful if violated < some words are considered so holy they must never be spoken aloud — Stuart Chase > II. noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English holi, adjective, from Old English 1. [translation of Late Latin sanctus] : a holy place : sanctuary 2. obsolete : saint 3. capitalized : god II 1 < into the presence of the Holy > |