

单词 hoodoo
释义 hoo·doo
I. \ˈhü(ˌ)dü\ noun
Etymology: of African origin; akin to Hausa hu3'du3ba1 to arouse resentment against someone
1. : voodoo
 a. : something that brings or is associated with the occurrence of bad luck : jinx, jonah — compare mascot
 b. : bad luck
 a. : a natural column or pinnacle of rock common in parts of western No. America that results from weathering or erosion and occurs in varied and often fantastic forms
 b. : earth pillar
II. adjective
1. : of, relating to, or being a hoodoo
 < hoodoo priests >
 < a hoodoo fetish >
 a. : persistently unlucky as if under a spell
  < a hoodoo ship >
  : jinxed
 b. : bringing or associated with bad luck
  < when that hoodoo planet crops up in a horoscope >
III. transitive verb
: to cast a spell on : bring to misfortune by occult means; broadly : be a source of misfortune to




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