

单词 hot
释义 hot
I. \ˈhät, usu -äd.+V\ adjective
(hotter ; hottest)
Etymology: Middle English hoot, hot, from Old English hāt; akin to Old Frisian & Old Saxon hēt hot, Old High German heiz, Old Norse heitr hot, Gothic heito fever, Lithuanian kaĩsti to get hot
1. : having heat in a degree exceeding normal body heat : having a relatively high temperature : giving or capable of giving a sensation of heat : capable of burning, searing, or scalding
 < hot stove >
 < hot forehead >
 a. : ardent, fiery
  < hot blood of youth >
  < hot tempers >
  : vehement
  < hot words were exchanged >
 b. : violent, raging
  < hot battle >
 c. : urgent, feverish
  < messengers sent in hot haste >
  (1) of an animal : being in heat
  (2) : lustful, lecherous
 e. : zealous, eager
  < hot for reform >
  < hot patriot >
  < hot baseball fan >
  < hot fisherman >
  (1) of jazz : ecstatic and emotionally exciting and usually marked by complex rhythms and free contrapuntal improvisations on the melody — often contrasted with sweet
  (2) of a jazz performer : stimulated and inspired to complete rhythmic and melodic freedom
 a. : having the sensation of an uncomfortable degree of body heat : too warm for comfort
  < hot and tired >
  < I'm too hot in this sweater >
 b. : causing discomfort or distress through excessive warmth or humidity
  < hot climate >
  < this room is hot and stuffy >
  < hot sunshine >
  (1) : naturally or constitutionally possessing heat — used in medieval physiology, natural philosophy, and astrology to name one of the qualities of the four elements
  (2) of a sign of the zodiac : having a hot complexion
 a. : having or retaining the heat of cooking
  < this pudding is best when served hot >
  < will you have hot or iced coffee >
 b. : not yet grown cool or stale : newly made or received : fresh
  < news hot from the press >
  < following a hot scent >
 also : close to something pursued or sought
  < hot on the trail of the murderer >
  < guess again, you're getting hotter >
 c. : suggestive of heat
  < hot smell of burning rubber >
  < hot sound of buzzing flies >
  or of burning or glowing objects
  < I like hot colors … hot orange and red and shocking pink — Mitzi Gaynor >
  (1) of type : made by the casting of hot metal into a mold
  (2) : using type so made
   < hot composition >
   — compare cold
 e. : uncomfortable to an intolerable or dangerous degree : unsafe
  < the police were making the town too hot for him >
5. : pungent, peppery, biting
 < hot sauce >
 < hot pickles >
6. : showing energy or activity in an unusual degree: as
 a. : of intense and immediate interest
  < hot news story >
  < hot scandal >
 b. : unusually lucky or successful
  < hot streak at poker >
  or favorable
  < the dice are hot for me tonight >
 c. : temporarily capable of unusual performance (as in a sport)
  < any one of half a dozen golfers might get hot and win this tournament >
  < hot favorite in the race >
 d. of merchandise or securities : readily salable : enjoying current popularity
  < hot items in women's wear >
  (1) : very good — used as a generalized term of approval
   < a real hot lawyer >
   < he's hot in math >
  (2) slang : absurd, unbelievable
   < wants to fight the champion? that's a hot one >
7. : having or charged with high energy: as
 a. : electrically charged; especially : charged with high voltage
 b. of a cartridge : having a powder load which gives a high muzzle velocity and corresponding high chamber pressure and flat trajectory — used especially of hand-loaded ammunition
 c. : radioactive
  < hot material >
 also : dealing with radioactive material
  < hot laboratory >
 d. of an airplane : fast; especially : characterized by a high landing speed
 a. : stolen or otherwise illegally obtained
  < hot jewels >
  < hot bonds >
 also : contraband
 b. : wanted by the police : fugitive from justice
 c. of a commodity : prohibited by law or agreement from being shipped or handled
  < hot oil >
II. adverb
Etymology: Middle English hoote, hote, from Old English hāte, from hāt, adjective
: hotly
 < the sun shines hot — Shakespeare >
 < hot-glowing coals >
 < took a club and gave it to him hot and heavy >
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English hoot, hot, from hoot, hot, adjective
1. dialect : heat
2. : hot dog
IV. verb
(hotted ; hotted ; hotting ; hots)
Etymology: hot (I)
intransitive verb
chiefly Britain : to become warm or heated — usually used with up
 < fresh air hots up quickly >
 < the argument had hotted up considerably >
transitive verb
chiefly Britain : warm, heat; specifically : to warm over (food) — usually used with up
 < there's some stew and dumplings left I can hot up in a minute — Victoria Lincoln >
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English hott, from Old French hotte, hote, of Germanic origin; akin to German dialect hutte, hotte basket, pannier, Middle High German hotte, hotze cradle — more at hod
1. now dialect England : a basket for carrying earth or manure
2. dialect Britain : a little heap or pile (as of manure)
3. obsolete : a padded sheath for the spur of a gamecock
VI. adjective
1. : being full of detail and information and requiring little or no involvement of the listener, viewer, or reader
 < a hot medium like radio — H.M.McLuhan >
2. : sexy
VII. noun
hots plural : strong sexual desire — used with the
 < about a young girl … with the hots for gypsy-dark men — H.C.Veit >




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