释义 |
hour \ˈau̇(ə)r, ˈau̇ə, especially in the South ˈau̇wə(r\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English our, hour, from Old French ore, ure, hore, hure, heure, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin hora canonical hour, from Latin, season of the year, time of day, part of the day, hour, from Greek hōra — more at year 1. hours plural a. : the times of the day ecclesiastically set for prayer (as matins and vespers) — see canonical hour b. : the prayers appointed for such times < book of hours > 2. a. obsolete : the 12th part of the time between sunrise and sunset or between sunset and sunrise and hence of varying duration b. : the 24th part of a mean solar day : 60 minutes of mean solar time 3. a. : the time of day expressed in hours and minutes as indicated by a timepiece < the hour is half past ten > < what are you doing here at this hour > specifically : the number of full hours elapsed since noon or midnight < the clock has just struck the hour > b. : the time reckoned from midnight to midnight — used chiefly in the armed services < dinner would come about 1700 hours — Infantry Journal > < a conference at 0900 hours > 4. a. : a fixed, stated, or customary time or period of time < hours of business > < during his leisure hours > < cocktail hour > b. : a particular time < help in his hour of need > < hottest hours of the day > c. hours plural : time of going to bed < late hours ruined his health > < keep early hours out here in the country > 5. : one twelfth of a natural day or of a natural night as determined by sunrise and sunset and assigned in astrology to the special influence of a planet — called also inequal hour, planetary hour 6. a. : 60 minutes of sidereal time b. : an angular unit of right ascension equal to 15 degrees measured along the equinoctial 7. : a unit of measure of work equal to the normal amount done in an hour (as a token of presswork) 8. : a measure of distance estimated by the time normally taken to cover it < the city was two hours away > 9. a. : a class session or period < hour tests, lasting fifty minutes each, are given several times during the semester > b. : credit hour, semester hour < three-hour course > • - after hours - on the hour |