

单词 spiral
释义 spiral
I. spi·ral \ˈspīrəl\ adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin spiralis, from Latin spira coil + -alis -al — more at spire
 a. : winding around a center or pole and gradually receding from or approaching it
  < a spiral curve >
  (1) : helical
  (2) : of, relating to, or resembling a spiral
2. : having one or more strands twisted around a core yarn
 < a spiral ply yarn >
3. : advancing to succeeding higher levels through a series of cyclical movements
 < developed a spiral theory of social evolution >
II. spiral noun
 a. : the path of a point in a plane moving around a centered point while continuously receding from or approaching it
 b. : a three-dimensional curve (as a helix) with one or more turns about an axis
2. : a single turn or coil in a spiral object
 a. : something (as a piece of coiled wire or a winding staircase) having a spiral form
  < a long blue spiral from his cigar ascended — John Galsworthy >
 b. : spiral galaxy
 c. : a flight in a spiral path : a spiral flight
 d. : a kick or pass in which a football rotates on its long axis while moving through the air
 e. : a dance movement consisting of concentric circling with steadily diminishing or increasing diameter on a ground level or with rising and falling
 f. : a free skating figure consisting of gliding on one foot with speed in a large circle with the body in arabesque position
 g. : a synchronized swimming stunt consisting of at least four complete body revolutions executed with the body in a head downward vertical position with the ankles above water followed by complete submergence of the body
  (1) : an easement curve (as in a railroad track) in which the change of degree of curve is uniform throughout its length
  (2) : a loop built where a railroad line ascends a steep slope for the purpose of gaining distance in order not to exceed the ruling grade
4. : a continuously spreading and accelerating increase or decrease (as in costs, prices, or wages)
 < a continuance of the upward spiral of prices — F.D.Roosevelt >
 < the vicious spiral of deflation — F.L.Allen >
 < the vicious spiral of arming and counterarming — B.N.Rau >
— see inflationary spiral
III. spiral verb
(spiraled or spiralled ; spiraled or spiralled ; spiraling or spiralling ; spirals)
intransitive verb
 a. : to go or move and especially to rise or fall in a spiral course : wind in a spiral manner
  < the path … spiraled up in the hillside — Harlan Hatcher >
  < saw a column of cloud slowly spiral from nothingness — Victor Canning >
 b. : to follow a spiral path in ascending or descending
  < our plane spirals down toward the … airdrome — W.L.White >
  < the birds spiraled high — Adria Langley >
  < we spiraled through the … cloud rift and landed — Lowell Thomas >
2. : to rise or fall in a continuously spreading and accelerating manner
 < production spiraled upward >
 < the cost of living spiraled upward >
 < profits spiraled during the business boom >
3. : to revolve with a spiral pattern in dancing
transitive verb
1. : to form into a spiral : turn or twist spirally
 < section foremen … spiraled the ends of their curves — Engineering News >
2. : to cause to rise or fall in a continuously spreading and accelerating manner
 < inflation spiraled prices — Henry Coates >
IV. spir·al adjective
Etymology: spire (I) + -al
: rising to a sharp point : tall and tapering or pointed like the spire of a building




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