释义 |
spo·ro·cyst \ˈspōrə, ˈspȯrə+ˌ-\ noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary spor- + cyst 1. : a unicellular resting cell that may give rise to asexual spores (as in various myxomycetes and algae) — compare sporangium 2. a. : a case or cyst secreted by some sporozoans preliminary to sporogony; also : a sporozoan encysted in such a case b. : a saccular body that is the first reproductive form of a digenetic trematode in the molluscan host and buds off cells from its inner surface which develop into rediae within the cavity of the sporocyst • spo·ro·cystic \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+\ adjective • spo·ro·cystid \“+\ noun -s |