释义 |
spor·tive \ˈspōr]d.]iv, -pȯr], -ōə], -ȯ(ə)], ]t], ]ev also ]əv\ adjective Etymology: sport (II) + -ive 1. a. : tending to, engaged in, or productive or provocative of sport : gay, frolicsome, playful, merry b. : not undertaken or done seriously : carried on or out in sport c. : having an inclination for sexual encounter : ardent, lusty 2. : relating to or connected with sports and especially field sports 3. a. : produced as a sport b. : tending to the production of sports : sporting 3 • spor·tive·ly \]ə̇vlē, -li\ adverb • spor·tive·ness \]ivnə̇s, ]ēv- also ]əv-\ noun -es |