释义 |
hy·brid I. \ˈhībrə̇d, substand -|bred\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin hybrida animal whose parents belong to different varieties or to different species, person whose parents belong to different ethnic groups, probably of non-Indo-European origin; akin to the source of Latin imbr-, imber offspring of a tame sheep and a wild sheep 1. : an offspring of two animals or plants of different races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera; specifically : an individual produced by union of gametes from parents of different genotype — compare crossbreed, mendel's law, mule 2. : a person or group produced by the blending of two diverse cultures or traditions < the cultural hybrid occupies a marginal position between two cultures > < every civilized group … has been a hybrid — H.J.Muller > 3. a. : one that is heterogeneous in origin or composition : composite < most of the tools are original designs or hybrids evolved from established forms — Victor Boesen > < the vice-president is a hybrid in the government, being both an executive and legislative officer — Arthur Krock > b. : loanblend II. adjective 1. a. : marked by heterogeneity in origin, composition, or appearance : composite < difficulties with normal English are … its hybrid vocabulary and the irregularities of English spelling — G.A.Miller > b. : being a linguistic hybrid < a hybrid term > 2. : of, relating to, or resulting from the union of gametes from parents of different genotype < the high percentage of intermarriage, however, has made the population … racially hybrid — Current Biography > 3. : having characteristics resulting from the blending of two diverse cultures or traditions < a remarkable hybrid culture in which Norse and Irish elements are inextricably combined — F.M.Stenton > III. noun : something (as a power plant, vehicle, or electronic circuit) that has two different types of components performing essentially the same function • hybrid adjective |