

单词 spur
释义 spur
I. \R ˈspər, + vowel ˈspər.; -R ˈspə̄, + suffixal vowel ˈspər. also ˈspə̄r, + vowel in a following word ˈspər. or ˈspə̄also ˈspə̄r\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English spore, spure, from Old English spora, spura; akin to Old High German sporo spur, Old Norse spori spur, Old English spurnan to kick — more at spurn
 a. : a U-shaped implement with a pointed or rowel-tipped projection that is secured to the heel of a horseman for pricking, managing, or urging on the horse
 b. spurs plural [Middle English spores knighthood (as in winnen ones spores to earn knighthood by a deed of valor] : recognition and reward for achievement
  < would have won his spurs had not a knee injury … put him out of the game — Rugger >
  < these guys have earned their battle spurs — L.M.Uris >
2. : an inciting force or stimulus to action : goad, incentive
 < he shot up fast, his spur the determination to make money and a name — E.A.Weeks >
 < two professors were immediate spurs to trying her hand at writing — Current Biography >
 < the book is a spur to both the intellect and the imagination — Ellen L. Buell >
3. : any of various diagonally set props, braces, or members usually used in construction: as
 a. : a brace (as a rafter or crossbeam) strengthening a post and some connected part : strut
 b. : a reinforcing buttress of masonry
  (1) : a piece of timber fixed on the bilge ways before launching with the upper ends bolted to the vessel's side
  (2) : a curved piece of timber serving as a half-beam to support the deck where a whole beam cannot be placed
  (3) : spur shore
4. : a growth, formation, or projection suggestive of a spur in shape or relative size: as
 a. : a stiff sharp spine (as on the wings or legs of a bird or insect); especially : a horny modification of the skin surrounding a bony core attached to the metatarsus of a cock's leg and used in fighting — see cock illustration
 b. : a bony outgrowth (as at a joint margin) : osteophyte
 c. : a projecting root or short branch of a tree: as
  (1) : a short branch bearing fruit buds
  (2) : a branch kept short by annual pruning
   < a vine cut to 4 spurs >
 d. : a hollow projecting appendage of a corolla or calyx (as in larkspur or columbine)
5. : a sharp or pointed usually metallic object similar to a spur: as
 a. : a gaff for a gamecock
 b. : a climbing iron : gaff
 c. : the bow ram of a warship
 d. : a projection or prong on the arm of an anchor
 e. : an article like a stilt resting on three points and having one pointing upward to support ceramic ware during firing
 f. : the central point on an auger bit or lathe center
 g. : griffe II 1
 h. : the metallic point on either end of a weaving shuttle
 i. : the projection of the external hammer of a gun on which the thumb presses in cocking the weapon
 j. : one of two or more adjustable buttons or spikes affixed to the back of a wall clock in order to allow the pendulum to swing clear of the walls
 k. : one of several clamps with points attached to the hoop of a bass drum to prevent it from rolling and to hold it off the floor
 l. : a bundle of several sheets of paper hung to dry in a loft
6. : an angular projection, offshoot, or branch extending out beyond or away from a main body or formation:
 a. obsolete : an outer work or salient of a fortification
 b. : a ridge or lesser elevation that projects from a mountain, a range of mountains, or a higher land surface to some distance at right angles or in a lateral direction
  < the western edge is notched … by coves and valleys which are separated by fingerlike spurs pointing towards the northwest — American Guide Series: Tennessee >
 c. : a wing dam built out to deflect a river current
  (1) : spur track
2. : siding 3
  (3) : a side or connecting road running from a main highway or turnpike
   < problems … in the construction of thruway spursNew York Times >
 e. : a branch of a vein of a mine
7. : spur gear
Synonyms: see motive

- on the spur of the moment
II. verb
(spurred ; spurred ; spurring ; spurs)
Etymology: Middle English sporen, spuren, from spore, spure, n.
transitive verb
1. : to prick (a horse) with spurs to go at a faster pace
 < spurred his horse along the crest of the ridge — Zane Grey >
2. : to incite (a person or thing) to action or accelerated growth or development : urge, stimulate
 < general manager who is spurred by idealism — Times Literary Supplement >
 < spurred his players to finish second — Current Biography >
 < the war has spurred interest in the defense programs — America >
 < the rather pallid prose … inhibits rather than spurs the imagination — J.F.Muehl >
— often used with on
 < his own needs spur him on to invention — Ralph Linton >
 < spurred on by attractive commissions — G.M.Stephenson >
3. : to furnish with spurs
 < arriving all booted and spurred >
4. dialect England : to support or brace with a spur : prop
5. : to cut back : prune, trim
 < number of main branches are spurred … to within about two inches of their base — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox >
intransitive verb
 a. : to hurry one's horse with spurs
  < wheeling the white mustang, he spurred away — Zane Grey >
  < a wounded soldier spurring from the field with news of victory — A.B.Osborne >
 b. : to proceed in hurried fashion : rush
  < spurred into the fray — S.H.Adams >
2. : to strike out or fight with the foot or spur
Synonyms: see urge
III. noun
Etymology: alteration of spoor
: the track of an animal (as an otter) : spoor




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