

单词 stable
释义 sta·ble
I. \ˈstābəl\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French estable, from Latin stabulum, from stare to stand — more at stand
1. : a building or part of a building in which domestic animals are lodged and fed; especially : such a building having stalls or compartments
 < the horse stable is in the main barn, the cow stable is separate >
 a. : a group of racing horses under one ownership or management; also : the horses of such a group or the persons concerned with the ownership, operation, or management of such a group
 b. : a group or staff of people (as artists, comedians, speakers, writers) engaged to contribute their services or perform when called upon : pool:
  (1) : a group of athletes (as boxers or tennis players) under the direction of a single manager
  (2) : a group of prostitutes working for a pimp
 c. : a group of things under a single ownership or management
  < a stable of publications >
  < a stable of racing cars >
  < a stable of five suits — Mel Watkins >
3. stables plural
 a. : military duty in the stables
 b. : the bugle call to such duty
II. verb
(stabled ; stabled ; stabling \-b(ə)liŋ\ ; stables)
Etymology: Middle English stablen, from Middle French establer, from Latin stabulare, from stabulum
transitive verb
: to put or keep (as animals) in a stable : house
 < horses and cows were stabled on the lower floor — American Guide Series: North Carolina >
 < garage … redesigned to stable neighborhood Cadillacs — Newsweek >
intransitive verb
: to dwell in or as if in a stable
III. adjective
(often stabler \-b(ə)lə(r)\ ; often stablest \-b(ə)lə̇st\)
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French estable, from Latin stabilis, from stare to stand + -abilis -able — more at stand
 a. : firmly established : not easily moved, shaken, or overthrown : solid, fixed, steadfast
  < so long upon the moving, rocking sea that the stable land was a shock to us — Jack London >
  < the sawmill village with sawdust streets became a stable community and was incorporated as a city — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  < dictatorship always appears stableChristian Science Monitor >
  < stable habits >
  < a stable theory >
 b. : not subject to sudden change : subject to relatively limited fluctuation : durable, unvarying
  < stable currency >
  < a stable economy >
  < a general trend toward a stable population, rather than one that will continue to increase — K.F.Mather >
  < some industries are quite stable inasmuch as no basic changes in technique occur for a long period of time — E.B.Alderfer & H.E.Michl >
  < a relatively stable society, where class mobility is reasonably low, where the individual remains, both physically and socially, in the place in which he was born — Leslie Cheek >
  < the personnel of the Supreme Court remained relatively stable — R.K.Carr >
 c. : abiding, enduring, persisting, permanent
  < a stable peace >
  < your name will travel widely over the world, but will have no stable habitation — J.A.Froude >
 a. : steady in purpose : firm in resolution
 b. : not subject to insecurity or emotional illness : sane, rational
  < a stable personality >
  < many boys are not emotionally stable and, as a result, behave in a way that makes some adults believe them to be retarded — H.A.Delp >
 a. : placed so as to resist forces tending to cause motion or change of motion : designed so as to develop forces that restore the original condition when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion
  < an airplane is stable if, when it is disturbed from a balanced condition of flight (whether level, climbing or gliding), its tendency is to return to that condition — Skyways >
 b. : of such structure as to resist distortion
  (1) : not readily decomposing or changing otherwise in chemical composition or biological activity (as spontaneously or under the influence of heat, acid, or alkali)
   < penicillin … is stable at a point about neutrality — American Scholar >
  (2) : not readily changing in physical state or properties
   < a stable emulsion >
   < a stable substance never changes spontaneously into a metastable one — Samuel Glasstone >
  (3) : not spontaneously radioactive or observably so
   < a stable isotope >
   < a stable nucleus >




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