释义 |
hy·po·chon·dri·ac I. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷drēˌak\ adjective Etymology: French hypochondriaque, adjective & noun, from Middle French, from Greek hypochondriakos, adjective, of the abdomen, from hypochondrion, singular, hypochondria, plural, abdomen + -akos (adjective suffix) 1. also hy·po·chon·dri·al \-ēəl\ a. : situated below the costal cartilages b. : of, relating to, or being the two regions of the abdomen lying on either side of the epigastric region and above the lumbar regions — see abdominal region illustration 2. or hy·po·chon·dri·a·cal \|hīpə]kən|drīə̇kəl, -pō], ]ˌkän- sometimes |hip-\ : affected, characterized, or produced by hypochondria II. noun (-s) Etymology: French hypochondriaque : one affected by hypochondria or hypochondriasis < a hypochondriac … lives in a world of sick imagination — J.W.Krutch > < some miserable hypochondriac whose interests are bounded by his own ailments — Bertrand Russell > |