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stack I. \ˈstak\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English stak, from Old Norse stakkr; akin to Old English staca stake — more at stake 1. : a large pile (as of hay, grain in the sheaf, or straw) that is usually nearly conical but sometimes rectangular, is commonly contracted at the top to a point or ridge, and is often thatched to shed rain 2. a. : a usually orderly and systematically arranged pile or heap < shuttled back and forth between the sink and the table, building her stacks of dried dishes — Lenard Kaufman > < keeps a great stack of back copies of the magazine — Joseph Mitchell > < a stack of wood > < a stack of pancakes > b. : a large quantity or number < there was a considerable stack of evidence — G.A.Morran > < often spends his evenings working on stacks of papers he has brought home — Current Biography > < has a stack of money > 3. : an English unit of measure especially for wood as fuel that is equal to 108 cubic feet 4. a. : chimney stack b. : a vertical pipe (as to carry off smoke) : chimney, funnel, smokestack c. : the part of a blast furnace or cupola above the hearth and melting zone d. : the exhaust pipe of an internal-combustion engine — compare bayonet stack e. : a fireplace and its chimney for cooking varnish f. : a set of radiators in a cellar for heating apartments above by hot air conveyed through tin pipes; also : the tin pipe by which the heat is conveyed to an apartment 5. : a rocky islet that is commonly steep-sided and near a cliffy shore and that has been isolated by wave erosion — compare chimney 2c 6. : a pyramidal self-supporting pile of arms; specifically : a pile composed of three rifles interlocked by their stacking swivels 7. a. (1) : a structure of bookshelves separated by narrow aisles that is one or more stories in height and is used for compact storage of books — usually used in plural (2) : the portion of a building housing such a structure — usually used in plural b. : a collection of bookcases compactly arranged 8. : a row of benches containing retorts for use in gas manufacturing 9. : a number of usually similar antennas mounted together and operated as part of a single radio system 10. : an assembled set of calender rolls with the required accessories 11. : air stack 12. a. : an established quantity of chips sold at one time to a gambler (as in poker) — called also takeout b. : the supply of chips belonging to a cardplayer at any given time II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English stakken, from stak, n. transitive verb 1. a. : to pile up : make into a usually neat heap or pile < so many millions so tightly packed and stacked into such tall hives — G.S.Perry > < stacked the firewood in the cellar > b. : to place quantities of something on or in : load < the floor was stacked high with bales of dry goods — Winston Churchill > < stack the bulkheads with cargoes from every port in the world — American Guide Series: New York City > 2. : to arrange in a stack < stacked their arms and lowered their flag — American Guide Series: Louisiana > 3. a. : to arrange (cards or a pack of cards) secretly for cheating < the cards were stacked against him > b. : to weight the composition of dishonestly or unfairly < they stacked juries and stole elections — Springfield (Massachusetts) Daily News > < charged … that the conference was stacked against the supporters of federal aid — M.W.Straight > 4. : to assign (an airplane approaching an airport) by radio to a particular altitude and position within a group circling and waiting a turn to land 5. : to make the belly of (an archery bow) high and narrow intransitive verb 1. : to form a stack : heap, pile < the containers are low in cost, set up easily and stack well — Appliance Manufacturer > 2. : to form a line or group : accumulate — used with up < long double lines of cars stacked up on either side of the site — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union > III. noun 1. : a memory or a section of memory in a computer for temporary storage in which the last data item stored is the first retrieved ; also : a data structure that simulates a stack 2. : a computer memory consisting of arrays of memory elements stacked one on top of another |