释义 |
hy·po·pro·throm·bin·e·mia \ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷+(ˌ)prōˌthrämbəˈnēmēə\ noun (-s) Etymology: New Latin, from hypo- + International Scientific Vocabulary prothrombin + New Latin -emia : deficiency of prothrombin in the blood usually due to vitamin K deficiency or liver disease (especially obstructive jaundice) and resulting in delayed clotting of blood or spontaneous bleeding (as from the nose or into the skin) • hy·po·pro·throm·bin·e·mic \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|nēmik\ adjective |