单词 | stand |
释义 | stand I. intransitive verb 1. a. b. < stands six feet two in his socks > < a horse standing over fifteen hands at the shoulders > c. 2. a. < stand aloof from an argument > < stand aside and let me pass > < asked the crowd to stand back > < warned to stand clear of the swinging boom > < stand at attention > b. < stand firm > < stand fast > < stand still > : resist attack < choose whether to run away or stand and fight it out > < stood at bay facing his tormentors > 3. a. < how does he stand on the disarmament question > : be firm and steadfast in support or opposition < has always stood firmly for states' rights > b. < stands revealed as a liar > < stands accused of betraying his friend > < his bank account stood at low level > < stands under heavy obligation to me > 4. < stand out from the shore > < stand for the harbor > 5. obsolete < stand at murder > 6. a. < stands first in his class > < stands high with his uncle just now > b. < stands to realize a handsome profit on his investment > 7. a. b. 8. chiefly Britain < will stand for reelection in his own district > 9. a. < a clock stood on the mantel > < a ladder standing against the wall > — opposed to lie b. < an elm stands before the house > < the house stands on a knoll facing the sea > c. < trees still standing after the hurricane > d. < left the dishes standing on the table > 10. a. < the car stood in the garage for a week > < stand waiting for the green light > specifically of a vehicle b. of a liquid < rainwater standing in stagnant pools > < let the wine stand so that the lees will settle > c. < sweat stood on his brow > < tears standing in her eyes > 11. 12. a. < copy a passage exactly as it stands in the original > < the spelling of a name as it stands in the early charters > < enforce a law just as it stands in the record > b. < the order given last week still stands > 13. of the wind, archaic < the wind stands in the west > 14. a. of a hunting dog (1) (2) < stands over more ground than is usual with hounds of other breeds — Dog World > b. of a male animal < his sire now stands in France > < the average stallion stands for about seven years > c. of a female animal transitive verb 1. a. < stand the cold > < stand the test of time > < how his motives would stand a closer scrutiny > b. < cannot stand criticism > < can't stand the thought of losing all that money > c. < I never could stand that fellow > 2. < stand gunfire > < stand a siege > 3. < stand the judgment of a Roman senate — Joseph Addison > < brought back to stand trial for forgery > 4. a. < as I did stand my watch upon the hill — Shakespeare > < stood guard over the treasure > b. < stand reveille > 5. < I'll stand you a dinner > < standing drinks for the crowd > 6. < picked the child up and stood him on his feet > < stand a board on end > 7. of a hunting dog < stand game > 8. 9. < this bus stands 41 people > Synonyms: see bear • - stand a chance - stand and deliver - stand by - stand by one's guns - stand easy - stand for - stand in hand - stand mute - stand on - stand one's ground - stand on one's own feet - stand over - stand pat - stand the gaff - stand the racket - stand to - stand together - stand treat II. 1. a. b. < the team was finally brought to a stand > 2. a. b. < a gallant stand at the bridge > < rallied his forces for a final stand > < a record 5th-wicket stand by a cricket batsman > < desperate goal-line stand > c. (1) < a one-night stand > (2) d. < the old stand on the stage line — American Guide Series: Tennessee > 3. a. < a beggar's customary stand near the gate > < urged to take a definite stand on the question of civil rights > b. 4. a. < took the stand in his own defense > b. < a roar of applause from the stands > < the ball went into the stands behind third base > — compare grandstand c. < judges' stand > < the troops saluted as they passed the reviewing stand > d. e. f. 5. a. < cigar stand > < roadside fruit stand > < hotdog stand > specifically < after the latest edition hit the stands > b. < a good stand for a drugstore > 6. < bus stand > < taxi stand > 7. archaic a. b. < stand of lard > c. 8. dialect 9. a. b. < umbrella stand > < music stand > < reading stand > < salt and pepper stand > < stand for firing a rocket > c. < typewriter stand > 10. a. b. 11. a. chiefly Scotland b. plural stand or stands chiefly Britain c. d. e. 12. < a good stand of corn > < a mixed stand of hardwoods and conifers > < timber thinned to a proper stand > — compare catch 8 13. Africa 14. 15. < the tumblers ended the stunt in a stand > • - at a stand |
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