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stand-up I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ adjective Etymology: stand up 1. a. : erect, upright b. of a collar : stiffened to stay upright without folding over 2. : performed in or requiring a standing erect position < stand-up lunch > < stand-up bar > < stand-up comedy act > < stand-up boxing stance > 3. of a fight : characterized by the exchange of blows without maneuvering, dodging, or retreating < a stand-up, knockdown brawl > < stand-up battle > II. noun (-s) Etymology: stand up 1. : the quality of standing up to or enduring stress, strain, and wear; specifically : the quality of wearing well when subjected to service 2. : something that stands erect or is provided with a stand or support to hold it erect < display samples mounted on stand-ups > 3. : the act of failing to keep an appointment III. adjective : marked by a high degree of personal integrity or loyalty to one's fellows < a stand-up guy > IV. noun 1. : stand-up comedy < worked as the opening act in dinner theatres, doing stand-up while the tables were cleared — P.J.Boyer > also : a performer of this < began her career as a stand-up — Rich Cohen et al > 2. : a television broadcast in which the reporter or narrator faces the camera with the scene of the story in the background |