

单词 ice
释义 ice
I. \ˈīs\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English is, from Old English īs; akin to Old Frisian, Old Saxon, & Old High German īs ice, Old Norse īss, Avestan isu- icy, aēxa- cold, and perhaps to Russian ineĭ frost, Lithuanian ynis
 a. : water reduced to the solid state by cooling and when pure constituting a nearly colorless brittle substance that in freezing expands about one eleventh in volume, that has a specific gravity of 0.9166 as compared with 1.0 for water at 4° C, that under normal atmospheric pressure is formed at and has a melting point of 0° C or 32° F, that occurs in the common form as hexagonal crystals, and that in large masses is classed as a rock — compare blue ice, frost, snow; heat of fusion
 b. : the layer of frozen water covering a surface (as of a road, rink, or body of water)
  < broke through the ice >
  : the surface of a sheet of ice
  < slipped on the ice >
  < skated down the ice >
  < an ice carnival >
2. : the quality or state of being emotionally cold (as from formality, reserve, embarrassment, or hostility)
 < perceptibly chilled by the ice in his voice >
 < thawed a little of the ice that held his lady's heart — Robert Murphy >
— compare break the ice
3. : a substance resembling ice in appearance or solid form
 < these hydrogen ices might well be retained in meteoritic particles — P.M.Millman >
specifically : icing
 a. : a sweet frozen food containing a fruit juice or other flavoring and usually served as a dessert or refreshment; specifically : one containing no milk or cream (as a fruit ice or water ice)
 b. Britain : a serving of ice cream; specifically : ice-cream cone
5. slang : diamonds
 < fenced the ice for the gang >
broadly : jewelry
6. slang : protection money paid by an operator of illicit business
 < a $20,000,000-a-year bookmaking syndicate that paid out $1,000,000 in ice to the police — New York Times >
7. : allowance made in directing a curling stone for its deviation from a straight course
 < make the shot … by using the ice and weight suggested by his skip — Ken Watson >

- on ice
- on thin ice
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English isen, from is, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to coat with or convert into ice
  < sleet iced the turnpike >
  < weather that iced his breath >
 b. : to chill especially by surface contact with ice
  < ice the champagne before serving >
  < an iced melon >
  < a frown that iced his enthusiasm >
 c. : to load or supply with ice
  < a portable cooler iced with cubes from the refrigerator >
  < stations for icing refrigerator cars containing perishables >
2. : to cover with or as if with icing
 < ice a cake >
 < houses iced over with multicolored stuccoes — Norman Lewis >
3. : to put in a secure place or state or in reserve : put on ice
 < sank a free throw … to ice the victory — Spokane Spokesman-Review >
 < has frozen all major route applications … would probably ice a merger too — Time >
intransitive verb
1. : to become ice cold : freeze
 < the two bottles were icing in a bucket — Lionel Trilling >
 a. : to become covered with ice
  < at the first sign of snow or icing, equipment is deployed along the turnpike — Roads & Streets >
  — often used with up
  < the airplane propeller and wings may ice up >
 b. : to have ice form inside — usually used with up
  < the airplane carburetor iced up >
III. noun
1. : an undercover premium paid to a theater employee for choice theater tickets
2. : methamphetamine in the form of crystals of its hydrochloride salt C10H15N·HCl when used illicitly for smoking — called also crystal meth
IV. transitive verb
1. : to shoot (an ice hockey puck) the length of the rink and beyond the opponents' goal line
2. slang : kill




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